Date: November 04, 2013
Author: Howlong Country Golf Club

Howlong MYGolfers celebrate Grandparents Day

In celebrating NSW Grandparents Day on Sunday October 27th, the MYGolf Junior Golfers at Howlong Country Golf Club invited their Grandparents along to watch and participate in the session. The Grandparent were also invited to join in a special challenge of a Chip It activity through the noodles. First they had to chip the soccer balls, then there was a play off for three of the grandparents who were successful in advancing to the Chip Off with the big blue smiley ball. Well done to all the Grandparents who participated and had some fun. This was followed by a presentation of certificates by the Junior Golfers to their Grandparents in acknowledging their valued role and support for their MYGolf junior grandchild or grandchildren on the morning. During the Presentations the Grandparents received a morning tea and or coffee provided by the Club along with some cake, compliments of the Howlong Country Bakery. A big thank you to all the Grandparents for making the MYGolf Clinic a success and we hope you enjoyed your morning. Happy Grandparents Day!