Date: June 01, 2014

Hurdle for Goss in US Open preparation

er Goss has been couch bound for the past five days with a throat and sinus infection, but that has not curbed his enthusiasm for the upcoming U.S. Open in Pinehurst.

‘I'm currently on the last day of antibiotics and hopefully can start practicing tomorrow’ Goss wrote on his official website

Goss, who will head to Pinehurst on Friday the 6th of June and play extra practice rounds on Saturday and Sunday to get more comfortable on the course,  can’t wait for this next chapter in his young golfing career to begin. ‘The tournament is coming around fast and I’m very excited to say the least’ Goss said.

The 114th U.S. Open starts June 12 at the No. 2 Course of the Pinehurst Resort in Pinehurst, North Carolina.