Date: September 03, 2012
Author: Golf Australia

Industry joins forces at Development Conference

Representatives from across Australian golf arrive at Palm Meadows on Queensland&aposs Gold Coast today for the opening day of the Annual Golf Development Forum. The forum sees representatives from Golf Australia, the PGA of Australia, the ALPG, Golf Management Australia, all State Association and Junior Foundations, School Sport Australia and the Australian Sports Commission join forces to work through a range of development programs including National Participation Plans. Golf Australia Golf Development Manager Cameron Wade said the forum was an important meeting as the sport looks to maximise its resources. “We&aposve held this forum for the last two years and it&aposs been quite successful each time,” Wade said. “By bringing all of the industry&aposs major development stakeholders together in one place, we can identify and work through any issues and challenges around our programs and also use our success stories as blue prints for the future. Much of this week will be about the ways that the industry can use its collective strength to grow grassroots golf even more in the future,” Wade added. The three day conference will feature a number of guest speakers from the golf&aposs major bodies including 8-time LPGA Tour winner Rachel Hetherington.