Date: November 28, 2013
Author: Golf Australia

Jason Day Round 1 Greenside Transcript

JASON DAY Round 1 Greenside Interview Transcript Q. A tough start for you out there, but you really managed to turn it around on the front nine, your second nine? JASON DAY: Yeah, it&aposs not easy coming out with a couple of bogeys, three bogeys on my frontside, which was the backside and it makes it look even worse when Scotty s playing the way he is. Glad I turned it around. Just tried to stay patient out there. There&aposs three more days left so it&aposs a long way till Sunday. So I&aposve just got to keep giving myself chances. Q. And nicely shot with a birdie on the last and leaving some energy for tomorrow? JASON DAY: Yeah, it&aposs going to be tough tomorrow out here. It&aposs going to blow pretty hard tomorrow and I think there&aposs going to be a little bit of rain, so the conditions from what they&aposre forecasting is going to be difficult but good momentum from that birdie going into tomorrow&aposs round. Q. How hard is it to be playing when you&aposre playing with Adam Scott and he&aposs on fire and he&aposs shooting 10 under? JASON DAY: It&aposs not too hard at all, you&aposre just watching the show really. That was really – that&aposs how the best players in the world play and I got to witness it today and it was special. That&aposs something that I&aposm going to remember for a long time. I look forward to playing with him tomorrow and hopefully catching him. Q. Can you just talk us through what happened on 11 there? Somebody said you had to jump the fence? JASON DAY: Yeah, I had to jump a fence. I had to jump – I actually hit it left, I think it was like part of the driving range or something and I couldn&apost get around it. I had to run 100 metres or so to get around it, so I just jumped the fence and hit my shot over and then jumped back over. I&aposm glad I didn&apost hurt myself. Q. Good luck tomorrow. JASON DAY: Thank you. Transcripts provided by