About six years ago Avondale Golf Club decided to start a beginner’s golf program with a view of “growing their own” junior golfers. They designed a program that would enable 7 or 8 year old boys and girls to learn the very basics of grip, stance and swing in a safe and well supervised environment.
These basic skills are then enhanced with the involvement of the club’s professional staff, Eugene Finn and trainee Jonathan Painter, and utilising the excellent practice facilities at the Club.
Initially, children of members filled the ranks. Then, slowly, by word of mouth and some success in representative events such as Encourage Shield and Junior Pennants, the word about this very good junior program spread, and now the club boasts an eclectic group of more than 70 young golfers.
They have four stages of development: Bronze A, Bronze B, Silver and Gold. The leading Gold players are then invited to join the Club as affiliated junior golfers. The man behind much of this success is Bob Wilson. He runs the cadet program, organises the representative teams and is the “Range Master” of their practice area.
As can be seen below, it is great to see 15-20 kids lined up hitting balls to the practice green. Who knows, one of them may become a professional, others may play junior pennants soon, but the important objective at Avondale is to get more young golfers playing to help ensure the future of this great game.
To know more about junior programs contact Jack Newton Junior Golf on 9567 7736 or visit: www.jnjg.com.au