Date: November 28, 2016
Author: Golf Queensland

Junior Regional Clinics

JGQ Regional Development Program

Junior golfers (JGQ members) from regional Queensland will be given the opportunity to access specialised coaching within their allocated District.

Regional Locations:

  – FNQ
  – NQ (Townsville and Mackay)
  – Central Queensland
  – Central Highlands
  – Wide Bay
  – Darling Downs

Program Purpose:

  – Provide specialised training to developing juniors in regional Queensland on a consistent basis
  – Educate regional juniors and their parents on the Golf Queensland Pathway
  – Talent Identification

In addition, juniors will:

  – Have fun
  – Acquire new skills
  – Have autonomy
  – Interact with others

Program Criteria:

  – Participants need to have an official GA handicap of 18 or less with an affiliated golf club within their District – No 9-hole players
  – Participants need to be aged between 12 and 17 years of age
  – Participants and parents need to have completed and signed off on a participant agreement form to take part in the program
  – Participants need to be financial members of Junior Golf Queensland to access the program free of charge. If they are not members of Junior Golf Queensland and they would like to participate in the program, there will be a nomination fee of $150.

For more information on Regional program, please contact