Date: August 08, 2014
Author: GA Rules

Local Rules

Committees may only provide local rules in accordance with either Committee Procedures, Section 8; Model Local Rule of the Rules of Golf as approved by R&A Rules Limited, or with this document. Approval must be obtained should any additional Local Rule be desired please contact your state association. Many aspects of this document have been re-produced from the R&A s Guidance on Running a Competition. The information is provided to assist committees in conducting their own competitions. This document should be read in concert with Committee Procedures, Section 8; Model Local Rule of the Rules of Golf. Local Rules – Golf Australia Recommendations (4-4-2014)

TIO Diagrams In many major events, Temporary Immovable Obstructions (i.e. grandstands, tv towers, etc) may come into play. View diagrams on how to deal with relief situations from these obstructions.

R&A TIO Instructional Video (you will note that the video was produced a number of years ago and that the local rule has been changed subsequent to its production such that in order for the line of sight component of the local rule to come into play, the TIO must be between the player s ball and the hole or within one club-length of this point AND the TIO must be on the player s line of play)