Golf clubs across Queensland are in urgent need of machinery and specialised equipment to mop up their courses after the recent floods. Golf Queensland President Tom Crothers said many clubs had lost their machinery sheds along with all of their equipment as a result of the recent flooding. Tractors, Posi-tracks, Rough Mowers, Aerators, Verti-Drains, Tee and Green Mowers and Bunker Rakes are just a few items needed by clubs to help get people back onto their courses, Mr Crothers said. Some clubs have a massive job of cleaning up and need specialist equipment to get the mud off fairways and greens.The longer the water remains on course the more sult tends to settle and it becomes harder to remove.” “One of the best ways to remove silt from the fairways is using bunker rakes and then a front end loader or bobcat to push the piles of silt into out of play areas,” Mr Crothers said. Mr Crothers said once the silt is removed clubs will need to wait 4-12 weeks for the turf to return to pre-flood condition with some areas requiring re-turfing. If anyone can assist with machinery or equipment please contact Claire Power at Golf Queensland on (07) 3252 8155 or email