Whilst historically golf clubs have been traditionally private in nature, marketing has become far more necessary in recent times as the steady demand for membership has eroded. Golfers are now offered more choice in terms of golfing and other sport, recreation and leisure experiences.
In addition, society has changed at a faster pace than ever before and people have become more focused on time and the use of their valuable leisure periods. With entertainment and un-structured sports gaining popularity at the expense of traditional participation in sports, clubs have had to adapt and become far more proactive in promoting to the next group of members.
Through the development of a marketing plan, a club can segment the market into different groups based on demographics and identify a target market of people they want to attract. An effective marketing campaign can then be created that speaks to the needs of the target group.
Although marketing can be perceived to be expensive with no guarantee of an immediate return in revenue, it is important in the modern day, just as in all business, that clubs set aside some money specifically for marketing.
The resources below provide a structured approach to developing a marketing plan that will address matters specific to your club.