Date: February 10, 2017
Author: Golf Australia

McGann�s can-do attitude produces results for Swing Fit

McGann’s can-do attitude produces results for Swing Fit

When avid golfer and personal trainer Andrea McGann first saw a Swing Fit poster displayed at Townsville Golf Club whilst on holidays, her entrepreneurial instincts kicked and a vision to use the program as a vehicle for getting more women active and into golf was formed.

Residing in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, Andrea was running her own personal training business and felt she needed something different to offer her female clients and to expand her business.

After making an enquiry to Golf Australia, she knew Swing Fit was exactly what she was looking for, so Andrea become an accredited Community Instructor and a registered Swing Fit deliverer.

From there, Andrea began to speak with local golf clubs and PGA Members in Sydney’s Eastern suburbs to discuss opportunities for her to deliver Swing Fit programs at their facilities.

The proposal was to ensure it was a win-win for both parties. Andrea would coordinate and deliver the program whilst exposing new participants to the game – and the club environment – and potentially growing the clubs’ female membership.

Since July 2016 Andrea has delivered programs at five different golf clubs – Botany, Woollahra, Randwick, East Lake and Bardwell Valley.

Admittedly, it has taken of time and effort to build up the brand using an array of local area marketing initiatives but Andrea is now reaping the reward with over 60 women having enjoyed her programs across the five facilities. 

Andrea puts her success is down to her hard work and perseverance to promote her programs as much as possible.

Andrea engaged the Media and Communication Manager at Woollahra Council and they are now helping her promote her programs via their website, newsletters and local newspapers on a regular basis.

Andrea credits this networking and constant promotion of her work for her success.

“You need to be marketing your product every day. Don’t let a day go by without following up leads or making a phone call to a potential customer or promoter.” Andrea explained.

“Talk Swing Fit constantly. Never go anywhere without a Swing Fit brochure in your handbag. I have recruited participants at parties and even while shopping”.