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Men’s Mid Amateur returns to play all 3 courses at the National GC

The 2009 Australian Men&aposs Mid Amateur Championship will be played from January 22 – 24 at The National Golf Club on Victoria&aposs Mornington Penisula. T he Australian Men’sMid Amateur Champion will again receive direct entry into the 2009 Australian Opent to be played at New South Wales GC. As part of Golf Australia&aposs long term strategy to develop golf at a grassroots level, this initiative provides amateur golfers the opportunity to compete against the greats at the 2009 Australian Open. Not only will it develop the competitors&apos game, but will also provide a memorable experience. Eligibility for the Championship is for male golfers aged between 30 and 54 with a handicap of 7.4 or less. A strict field size of 120 players CLICK HERE for Event Information