It is an unfortunate fact that numbers participating in Golf nationally have been showing a steady decline over recent years putting great financial pressure on many Golf Clubs and those within the Murray District are not immune.
The Murray District Golf Association (MDGA) is keenly aware of this problem and as the body responsible for the promotion of golf in the District, it is taking action to reverse the trend and encourage people of all ages to get involved in the great game of golf.
This year MDGA has further developed the Pennant Competition that now comprises Scratch, Handicap, Junior, Masters and Business Womens all of which will attract considerable interest as the year progresses.
Importantly, the MDGA clearly recognises that the future of the game of golf largely rests with getting more young people involved and as a consequence the MDGA is instigating a Junior Golf Development Program to be rolled out
to every Golf Club in the District.
The program was initially developed at Howlong Golf Club led by their current President Ken Walton. Running for a couple of years now it has proven highly successful with large groups of children, some as young as six, regularly
turning up to learn the game and just as importantly having a lot of fun.
The MDGA is delighted that Howlong Golf Club has graciously allowed them to take over this very successful program that will go a long way to reviving interest in golf throughout the District.
Additionally, the MDGA is excited to announce that Ken Walton has come on board as the Junior Promotions Officer with the responsibility of driving this program and over the coming months he will be meeting with District Club Golf Committees to introduce the program.
With some hard work and the co-operation of District Clubs the MDGA is looking forward to the challenge of revitalising interest in golf for all age groups.
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