Date: March 03, 2016
Author: MyGolf

MyGolf Centre of the Month: February 2016

Willows Golf Club, located in north Queensland, is the winner of this month’s MyGolf Centre of the Month award.

Willows joined the MyGolf program shortly after it re-launched in 2014. Since joining the club has experienced a continuous increase in participation numbers – so much so it has had to increase the number of programs on offer.

MyGolf co-ordinator and PGA professional Josh Tindale says that signing Willows Golf Club up to the MyGolf program was a great decision.

“It allows me to provide a structured, nationally recognised junior program that is easy to follow and understand for all involved,” Josh said.

“Everything, right through from the registration process, to the uploading of the programs and ordering of participant packs from the MyGolf shop is incredibly easy.”

There are currently 37 juniors participating across the three MyGolf programs that Willows offers for term 1. But as a result of the program’s substantial growth in the past 12 months, there will be six programs available for term 2.

“I have had well in excess of 70 juniors register into our MyGolf programs and it is truly rewarding watching them graduate from one program to the next,” Josh said.

“The excitement and sense of personal satisfaction the juniors display as they complete a program and are invited to join the next is incredible!

“Watching the juniors graduate from the Master program and begin playing in the 18 hole competitions brings a sense of pride, for the juniors, myself and our members – who are very supportive and welcoming of the juniors.”

Josh uses a number of strategies to keep the juniors engaged in his MyGolf program. He challenges the juniors each week, ensures the program is fun and exciting, provides one on one time with each junior, offers incentives, praise and rewards such as vouchers, golf balls, tees, shirts, hats, lollies and a personalised congratulations letter when they complete the program.

“Keeping the juniors engaged and providing them with recognition and rewards is very important to me,” Josh said.

“If they are learning, developing, meeting new friends and just absolutely enjoying themselves, then I feel that I am doing something right.”

Josh understands the importance of delivering high quality MyGolf programs at Willows and has taken on a PGA trainee this year who will help him do so.

“Having two coaches for each MyGolf session allows us (PGA professionals) to get to know each junior (and their parents) and spend quality time with them,” Josh said.

Congratulations to Josh and his team at Willows Golf Club for implementing and delivering successful MyGolf programs at the club.

The MyGolf Team looks forward to seeing your programs continue to succeed and grow.

Keep up the great work!