Pioneer Valley Golf Club wanted its junior golf membership to grow, so adopted the MyGolf program into its schedule.
Trialling the MyGolf program for the first time, the club, in tiny Mirani, west of Mackay in Queensland, has experienced 35 registrations into its rookie and star level programs – a fantastic result.
MyGolf co-ordinator Ben Tancred is absolutely amazed with the number of juniors who turn up to the program week in and week out.
“I believe joining the MyGolf program has been a very rewarding and successful process so far, the children seem to love it,” Ben said.
“The co-ordinator manual is a great resource! I can already see many children taking vital information and life skills such as sportsmanship, respect and responsibility from the MyGolf lessons and using it at the divisional junior competitions held each Sunday.”
Ben asked a few of his juniors what they thought about the MyGolf program and here is what they had to say:
“I like to play golf because it teaches me to try to better your previous score.” Callum Hahn, aged 7.
“I like MyGolf because we get to play some fun activities to help us learn about golf.” Madison Tucker, aged 8.
“I like MyGolf because it teaches me about golf skills and I get to meet new friends.” Taylah Drake, aged 11.
Alongside the national MyGolfer of the Month award up for grabs each month, Ben has created a reward initiative of his own, by recognising the efforts and commitment of his juniors with a MyGolfer of the Week award for his rookie and star programs – another fantastic way to keep his juniors engaged.
Ben strongly feels that other clubs can be successful in the junior space if they listen to the children and find out what they want to learn, use the structured MyGolf lesson plans as a guide and advertise their junior program in the school newsletters.
Congratulations to Ben and his team at Pioneer Valley on a fantastic achievement.
We look forward to seeing your success continue with future MyGolf programs.
And, the way things are going, we look forward to hopefully seeing one of your juniors win the MyGolfer of the Month award in the near future!