Date: July 08, 2015
Author: Christian Puccini / Golf SA

MyGolf Sporting Schools Program promo video

Sporting Schools will engage more than 850,000 children across Australia in what will be the country’s largest school-based participation programme.

The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) has partnered with 32 national sporting organisations including Golf Australia to offer sporting programmes to children before, during or after school. Registration is free for all Australian primary schools, sporting organisations, and coaches.

By bringing sports, schools, and community organisations together, Sporting Schools aims to increase children’s participation in sport and to connect with local sporting clubs in their community.

Golf SA has registered with Sporting Schools and can support school sporting programmes by providing registered coaches to deliver a golf program.

MyGolf is Golf Australia and the PGA of Australia’s national junior introductory program to develop and promote participation in golf.

The MyGolf Sporting Schools program is designed to increase participation and engagement in Golf by children by providing a quality introduction to the game in the school environment. The MyGolf Sporting Schools Program is a 4 week in school program with an optional 5th week at a local Golf club/facility to further enhance the children’s experience. This can be arranged with your program coach, local club or Golf SA.

The program can be delivered by accredited PGA Golf Professionals, Community Instructors or a Teacher within your school.

12 South Australian Schools have currently requested programs for Term 3/4.

The Golf Show recently ran a story on a MyGolf Sporting Schools pilot program at Boneo Primary School and Moonah Links GC on the Mornington Peninsula last term.

When local Schools and Clubs work closely together there are many benefits.

Schools and Clubs and Coaches can go to the Sporting Schools Website to be part of the MyGolf Sporting Schools Program