Date: June 26, 2015
Author: MyGolf

MyGolf Website Changes

The MyGolf Team has been working on some exciting updates to the MyGolf website that will come into effect on July 1, 2015. They include:

– A new look program activation form

The new form allows MyGolf coordinators the opportunity to select multiple days of operation for their program. This new feature will be ideal for those centres who deliver a school holiday program during a one week period on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The new form also allows coordinators to select the exact session dates of their program. This will become quite useful for programs that have a two or three week break during them e.g.  a five week program run over an eight week period.

– Duplicate program feature

Rather than having to re-enter details for each program, a ‘duplicate’ button has been created. By pressing the button, coordinators will be able to create a copy of one of their current programs whereby the only details they will need to adjust is the program name, term and dates/day of week.

– Export all participants

For those coordinators who have a number of programs running and want to access a list of participants from all programs in the one place, an ‘export all participants’ button has been created. By clicking the button, you will be able to export all of the participants that have registered in your current programs.

– Registration of multiple participants in one transaction

Parents will now be able to register all of their children into a MyGolf program in one transaction. When a parent fills out the registration form for their first child they will be given the option to proceed to payment or ‘add another participant’ to the transaction. Once they have added all of their children, they will be able to review all details to ensure they are correct and then proceed to payment.

– Discounts for multiple participant registrations

Coordinators will now be able to offer parents who register more than one child into their program a discounted rate for their second and third child. This feature will need to be activated and the discounted rates will need to be manually set by the coordinator prior to the program being uploaded into the system.

– Participant registration form

A section in the participant registration form has been created for parents to select whether their child is left or right handed. This will assist coordinators with participant pack orders prior to start of the program.

– Archiving programs

Completed programs will now be archived separately to current programs on the coordinator home page. This will make is easier for coordinators with a large number of activate programs view/manage them.

Should you have any queries regarding the new changes to the website, please do not hesitate to contact the MyGolf Team on 03 9626 5000 or via