Date: August 22, 2012

National Stroke Week

National Stroke Week: 10 – 16 September 2012

Understand stroke risks and educate the community – organise an
activity this stroke week.

1 in 6 people will have a stroke in their lifetime.

Every 6 seconds someone, somewhere, regardless of age or gender will die from a stroke.

Stroke can happen to anyone but many strokes are preventable.

The National Stroke Foundation is urging all Australians to follow these 6 steps
to reduce the risk of stroke:
1. Know your personal risk factors: high blood pressure, diabetes and high
blood cholesterol
2. Be physically active and exercise regularly
3. Avoid obesity by keeping to a healthy diet
4. Limit alcohol consumption
5. Avoid cigarette smoke. If you smoke, seek help to stop now
6. Learn to recognise the warning signs of stroke and act FAST

F.A.S.T is an easy way to remember and recognise the signs of stroke:
• Face – Has their mouth drooped?
• Arms – Can they lift both arms?
• Speech – Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
• Time – Time is critical. If you see any of these signs, call 000 now

On May 16 2011 Dan Englund joined 60,000 other Australians and suffered a
stroke. Dan was a 39 year old family man, avid runner and had no known
medical reason for having a stroke. Dan was 1 in 6.

Dan suffered a stroke in his home. It was fortunate that his wife Tania was able
to recognise the signs of stroke and contacted an ambulance. He was
transferred by helicopter from a hospital in the remote town of Emerald to
Brisbane’s Wesley Hospital within the day.

“After 3 days in the Wesley Hospital I was told that I had a hole in my heart
since birth that allowed a blood clot to pass through and caused an ischemic
stroke,” Dan said.

Dan has made a strong recovery since May 16 2011 thanks to a number of
factors including; his prompt admission into hospital, surgery and his dedicated
rehabilitation regime.

Dan plans to celebrate his recovery in an adventurous way, by retracing his
stroke journey and running from his home town Emerald (regional Queensland)
to the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane where he was treated post stroke: A total of
1000 km. Dan’s journey will finish at the Wesley during Stroke Week. This
journey will raise awarness of stroke and critical funds for the National Stroke

“I would like to tell everyone I meet that a stroke is not for certain people.
Anyone in the world is able to suffer just like us. I would like to educate the
public on how to reduce their chance of getting a stroke and know the signs of
someone who is having one,” Dan said.

Everyone is encouraged to remind their loved ones and the general
public to raise awareness of the signs of stroke and promote the FAST

Why not take inspiration from Dan and get involved and hold a community activity
during Stroke Week? Order a free Stroke Week activity pack at or call StrokeLine 1800 787 653.

For information and advice on stroke prevention, treatment, recovery and
support visit or call StrokeLine 1800 787 653.

The National Stroke Foundation recommends that you seek the advice of a
healthcare professional before embarking on any strenuous exercise.

Click here for the full article in PDF.