Date: August 26, 2019
Author: John Sutherland

New website update

Strategic plan link: "Upgrade the Golf Australia web site including a new participation portal"

At the beginning of July, following a six-week discovery phase exploring in-depth customer and stakeholder insights, the design and build phase of the website rebuild project begun.

Working with digital transformation agency AKQA, the design and build phase will run in a series of “sprints” with each sprint dedicated to delivering a defined outcome for the website. At the end of each sprint, AKQA host a “showcase” for Golf Australia, sharing the outcomes of the respective sprint and allowing GA to provide feedback regularly during the project so AKQA can iterate as the project continues to move forwards.  

Throughout the project, AKQA and GA maintain continuous communication with a project update (written) and work in progress session (face-to-face meeting) every week as well as a high volume of dedicated workshops on critical topics such as data and technology integrations.  

To date, the project has covered:

• Setting up the project plan (sprint map) and collaboration tools (Slack, Jira and Confluence)
• Establishing ways of working between AKQA and GA
• Executing licensing agreements for our new:
      • Content management system (CMS) – Contenful
      • Hosting platform – Netlify
      • Central database – Microsoft Azure via Haylix
• Preparing the platform and getting up a staging environment for developers to begin developing the website and componentry
• Data modelling and structure for central database (Microsoft Azure) including the following data tables:
      • User
      • Identity
      • Handicap
      • Facility
      • MyGolf (program)
      • Get Into Golf (program)
• Information architecture (IA) including a draft navigation and sitemap
• Wireframes for the following pages:
      • Home
      • Content page
      • Handicap dashboard
      • News feed
      • News article
      • Open subsite (Aus Open & AAAC, Women’s Aus Open, Vic Open, QLD Open)
      • Participation subsite (MyGolf, Get Into Golf)
• Visual design for the following pages:
      • Home
      • Content page
      • News article
      • Open subsite (Aus Open & AAAC, Women’s Aus Open, Vic Open, QLD Open)

Over the coming weeks, the following items will be completed:

• Wireframes and visual design for remaining templates
• Contentful training and user guides
• Content migration
• Database development including building APIs and API management
• Data migration
• System integration testing by AKQA
• User acceptance testing by GA
• Preparing a production environment
• Go live and handover

At this stage, the project is targeting an October delivery.

The project has been led by the marketing and communications team with input from all GA departments and current technology partner MSL.