ANTILL PARK: 2B Agg: S Hart (15) V Vincent (21) 76. Scr: R Tierney T Davis 58. Indiv A: J Dunn (9) 41. B: S Wheatley (17) 38 cb. C: S Mansell (21) 43.
ASQUITH: 2B: M Keegan (13) T Axtens (35) 48 cb. Parent/Child: J Baker (21) G Baker (11) 50. Indiv A: M Herbert (7) 39. B: M Keegan (13) 41. C: B Moore (31) 40 cb. Scr: R Carter 34 cb.
AVONDALE: 2B Agg: P Giles (19) R Giles (5) 76 cb. Indiv A: R Case (12) 38. B: P Heath (20) 40. C: J Long (29) 39.
BALGOWLAH: Ambrose: P Steele I Rigby M Rigby B Colwell (7-5/8) 52-3/8.
BANKSTOWN: 2B Agg: S Coughtrey (10) P Matthews (19) 74. Scr: J Fearns S Luke 54. Indiv A: D Cowell (12) 41. B: S Phillips (13) 43. C: E Haines (35) 39.
BARDWELL VALLEY: 2B: R Lynch (18) R Christie (14) 49. Scr: M De Montfort R Morasso 38. Indiv: S Latu (11) 39 cb. Scr: A Lang 32. Hole-in-one: R Lynch at 15th.
BARNWELL PARK: Ambrose: R Leo L Howarth (6-1/2) 51-1/2. Scr: S Higham D Higham 55.
BAYVIEW: Medley Team: R Mason (45) C Morgan (35) B Pearce (43) N Cocks (26) 92. Indiv A: S Colley (9) 39. B: G Birch (15) 41. C: T Fletcher (21) 43. Scr: S Colley 30. Women div 1: J Flanigan (16) 37. Div 2: R Mason (45) 40.
BERMAGUI: Stableford A: R Simpson (15) 41. B: J Stichbury (18) 36. C: J Adam (26) 38.
BEVERLEY PARK: Split Six: B Cobb (12) C Cobb (9) 76. Indiv: J Bondin (17) 46.
BEXLEY: 2B: P Dibley (17) D Saunders (18) 51. Indiv A: L Vasilevski (10) 42. B: D Perin (13) 40. C: A Mackison (26) 42. Scr: T Graham 30.
BLACKHEATH: 4B: M Mehrtens (24) R Kenny (20) 47. Indiv: B Cameron (13) 38.
BONDI: 2B: L Furlong (28) O Pedersen (10) 44. Indiv: T Compton (13) 40.
BONNIE DOON: Stableford A: C Carpis (12) 40. B: A Wilson (18) 40. C: M Swadling (29) 37. D: D Duchen (34) 33. Scr: G Hall 33.
BONVILLE: Medley Stableford: J Pountney (plus 1) 38.
BOTANY: Stableford: M Ryan (10) 43. Scr: M Ryan 33.
BOWRAL: Stableford: M Klopper (30) 42.
BREAKERS at Wamberal: Medley 2B Agg: T Lopez (20) J Chapman (20) 71. Indiv: T Lopez (20) 40. W:L Cattaway (34) 40.
CABRAMATTA: 2B Agg Div 1: A Marsh (sq) I Cerjanec (24) 66. Div 2: W Brown (17) C Bushby (14) 72 cb. Scr: B Murray M Nagy 62. Indiv A: F Pello (10) 36. B: B Mallon (14) 36. C1: S Dabrowski (19) 39 cb. C2: D Governder (26) 40.
CAMDEN: Foursome: C Zanoni P McGrath (7) 72 cb. Scr: L Hudson G Miller 82 cb. B: R Strange S Lincoln (14-1/2) 67-1/2. Scr: D Kidd N Venables 83. C: S Watson C Allen (18-1/2) 71-1/2. Scr: W Bogg M Bullock 91 cb. C'ship f: S Bate J Gale 161 G Miller L Hudson 166. Hcp: S Bate J Gale (6) 149. B: D Kidd N Venables 173 cb K Tideswell J Houghton 173. Hcp: D Kidd N Venables (14) 145. C: M Bullock W Bogg 178 V Thorn M Bexon 181. Hcp: T Williams S Jankiewicz (22-1/2) 140. Stableford A: I Graham (8) 37 cb. Scr: D Mackay 31. B: L Pogson (15) 42 cb. Scr: K Ross 25. C: T Graham (21) 43. Scr: F Cahill 23 cb.
CAMDEN LAKESIDE: 2B Agg: B Dixon (9) R Briffa (10) 69 cb. Scr: M Brinkworth J Choma 55. Indiv A: S Shanahan (1) 37. B: B Jenkins (19) 37. C: G De Angelis (34) 37.
CAMMERAY: Medley 2B: R Jones (6) R Hall (26) 48 cb. Indiv A: R Jones (6) 39. B: P Kensell (19) 37. C: G Robertson (21) 40 cb. W: C Deacon (24) 38.
CAMPBELLTOWN: 2B Agg: C Rowlely (14) P Scott (25) 72. Indiv A: C Matthews (6) 36 cb. Scr: G Evans 31. B: J Eaton (18) 40. Scr: J Pollock 26. C: C Harris (22) 39. Scr: R Hawes 19.
CARNARVON: Foursome: M Osborne G Osborne (1) 72. Scr: N Sadgic S Sadgic 80. PM: S Lee C Lee (21-1/2) 70-1/2. Scr: M Osborne G Osborne 79. C'ship f: M Osborne G Osborne 152 N Sadgic S Sadgic 162. Hcp: R Fletcher R Narayanan (16) 149.
CASTLE HILL: Foursome A: B King A Sue (19-1/2) 76-1/2. Scr: D Gale B Shong 78. B: J Alexander S Bartha (17) 68. Scr: J Alexander S Bartha 85. C: J Wilson G George (24) 72. Scr: J Wilson G George 96. C'ship f: B Song D Gale 155 D Gentle G Partley 159. Hcp: D Gentle G Pratley (7) 152. B: P Maginn T Cruise 182 S Bartha J Alexander 185. Hcp: P Maginn T Cruise (29) 149. C: B Smyth R Patrick 197 G George J Wilson 203. Hcp: B Smyth R Patrick (19) 153. Par A: D Simonson (10) sq. B: F Mesiti (19) 2 up. C: N Watkins (24) 4 up.
CASTLECOVE: Team: J Gough (14) T Lamborn (17) G Fieldus (9) K McKinnon (20) 144. Indiv: K McKinnon (20) 39. Singles KO f: R Walker bt P Thomas 4-3.
CHATSWOOD: 2B Multi: K Bailey (17) G Hasler (16) 83. Scr: J Greathead M Sullivan (PGA) 43. Indiv A: S Farrish (11) 38. B: K Bailey (17) 40. C: A Petersen (22) 37. Holes-in-one: A S-annard at 11th, C Houlihan at 7th.
CONCORD: Irish Team: B Middleton (22) A Di Monte (18) N Brancatisano (30) J Begnell (9) 88. Indiv A: G Annesley (11) 37. B: J Sidhu (22) 39. B: G Tesoriero (31) 42.
CROMER: 4B: E Messiter (28) T Ward (16) 11 up cb. Indiv A: A Fong (12) 3 up. B: I Neil-Smith (18) 5 up. C: G Green (23) 8 up. Scr: J Ponder 1 up.
CRONULLA: 4B Stroke: K Liddy (7) G Kinniburgh (24) 55.
CUMBERLAND: Vardon Cup: K Yuan (The Australian) 71 B Windred (The Australian) 72 J McMiles (Liverpool) 73. Hcp: S Puskuric (Kogarah 4) 69. Stableford: R Ranney (14) 35.
DUNHEVED: 2B div 1: R Stindl (14) K Stindl (11) 71. Div 2: D Hayes (35) J Harvey (20) 76. Scr: C Fitzsimmons C Williams 56. Indiv div 1: A Chapman (13) 40. Div 2: P Ward (21) 42.
EASTLAKE: Foursome: A MacNally B Fine (10-1/2) 74-1/2. C'ship f: J Freudnreich M Stephens 162. Hcp: G Nichols S Phegan (8-1/2) 151. B: A Stewart-Thomson M Baird 184 B Scott B Smith 184 to play off. Hcp: K Puckridge B Olander (17) 156. C: J Bagnall M Dimento 196. Hcp: T Grooby N Brown (24-1/2) 153. Stableford A: T Aravanis (12) 34. B: W Devecchis (20) 38 cb. C: J Doak (23) 37. D: L Sharland (29) 44. Scr: P Page 27.
ELANORA: Foursome: A McQueen D Joffick (29) 75. C'ship qlfrs: N Wall K Donohue, D Bradley B Neil, N Jagger K Munro, M Koop D Adams.
EVERGLADES: 2B: W McGuire (25) I Pentony (20) 47 cb. Indiv A: D Radford (6) 38. B: S Hampstead (15) 40. C: S James (22) 42.
FAIRFIELD: Stableford A: S Davies (11) 39. B: M Espasandin (16) 42. C: I Ledinich (28) 44.
FORSTER: Stableford div 1: C Reynolds (11) 39. Scr: A Waller 32. Div 2: R Payton (24) 43. Scr: D Galloway 21.
FOX HILLS: 2B Agg: C Beadle (19) R Beadle (23) 81. Scr: J Bingham D Bown 61. Indiv A: M Timbs (9) 37. B: B Middleton (16) 42 cb. C: M Hall (26) 46. Hole-in-one: M Martyn at 12th.
GEORGES RIVER: 2B Multi: D Tarto (14) C Hawkins (30) 94. Indiv A: R Erickson (9) 38. B: R Rossetti (16) 41. C: M O'Rourke (21) 42.
GIBRALTAR: Medley 2B Agg: H Biven (34) R Biven (26) 72. Mxd: V Jones (37) R Ellis (21) 55. Indiv: M Eschbank (21) 43.
GLENMORE: Stableford div 1: D Smith (5) 43. Scr: G Dowling 37. Div 2: S McIvor (18) 40. Scr: A Hewson 21.
GORDON: 2B: R Keightley (15) M Smith (9) 45 cb. Indiv A: T Waters (8) 38. B: S Austin (14) 39. C: A Quinn (25) 38 cb. D: K Facer (32) 38.
GOSFORD: 2B: A Haviland (26) S Walklate (22) 12 up. Indiv: PR Smith (19) 5 up. Scr: R Whyte 3 down.
HARRINGTON WATERS: Par: P Hearn (30) 4 up. W: J Fisher (33) 3 up.
HIGHLANDS: Mittagong Cup: B Dodds (Moss Vale) 74 in play off. Hcp A: T O'Brien (12) 65. B: P McCrohon (18) 69 cb. C: G Brooks (24) 67. Stableford: J Hoare (25) 40 cb.
HORIZONS: Stableford: D Bailey (8) 41.
HURSTVILLE: Bisque Par A: P Nelson (12) 2 up. B: P Zongo (16) 10 up. C: M Quirk (21) 8 up cb.
JAMBEROO: Medley American Foursome: R Sheehan T Zimmermann (13-1/8) 57-7/8. WW: M Cook J Owers (18-3/4) 74-1/4.
KAREELA: 2B: W Bradley (25) M Dwyer (14) 49. Indiv A: M Brenton (10) 41. B: K Dransfield (13) 40. C: R Lucock (24) 41. Scr: G Reid 36.
KILLARA: Medal A: C Bayliss (12) 70. B: P Ferris (17) 69. C: A Newman (23) 71. Scr: B Finfer 76 cb. Trophy: R Montague (9) 68.
KOGARAH: 2B Agg: J Goodwin (14) W Marsh (5) 75. Indiv A: W Marsh (5) 38. B: J McWhinney (16) 43. C: S Kennedy (23) 41. Scr: J Hodder 31 cb.
KOOINDAH WATERS: Stableford A: J Cohen (18) 40. B: R Farrant (25) 43.
LANE COVE: 2B: W Meader (17) D Lyle (26) 52. Indiv A: G Holmes (18) 44 cb. Scr: G Holmes 26.
LEONAY: Team: B Mason (16) B Relph (17) S Stokes (10) P Nicol (32) 94. Indiv A: B Grant (11) 40. B: R Adams (13) 42. C1: K Debeck (20) 36. C2: J Pridans (30) 41.
LEURA: Medley 4B: B Hull (36) P Hume (25) 50.
LIVERPOOL: Split Six: M Armstrong (13) S Bounds (25) 65. Indiv A: B Dean (7) 37. B: M Armstrong (13) 41. C: R Chan (28) 38.
LONG REEF: Foursome c'ship semi-f: J Knox M Stevens bt M Cruise T Boatwright 3-1, S Stockini A Stockini bt M Hunter J Schmidt 6-5. B: B Chapman b Nicholls bt R Roache H Wilson 2-1, R Thomas A Dignan bt J Lennard C Woodfield 2-1. C: S Gaunder G Cobbing bt P French J Malin 3-2, D Harper R Rhodes bt M O'Carroll P Lindwall 2-1. 4B: C Thomas (31) J Brunetta (12) 44. Indiv A: L Meakins (7) 39. B: D Costello (15) 34 cb. C: C Munro (19) 38. Scr: S Lee 34.
LYNWOOD: Foursome c'ship f: P Knipler S King 77. Hcp: P Cabban D Green (17) 67.
MACARTHUR GRANGE: 2B Multi: T Noonan (15) M Noonan (25) 70 cb. Indiv A: D Gall (Sale 10) 32. B: B McDonald (18) 37. C: G Billinghurst (21) 38 cb.
MACQUARIE LINKS: Medley 2B: D Vranic (8) S Zaarour (14) 9 up. Indiv A: J Crisp (9) 2 up cb. B: P Medulla (14) 2 up. C: B Manning (33) 1 up. W: C Morris (22) 2 up. Scr: D Peters 1 up.
MAGENTA SHORES: Stableford: A: M Fanning (10) 35. B: K Butt (17) 31. C: G Daley (24) 32.
MANLY: 2B Agg: T Calderwood (17) R New (13) 76. Father/Son: W Quick (23) G Quick (18) 67. Indiv: K Swanson (15) 43.
MARRICKVILLE: Bowl: K Paradine (8) 59. Scr: T Shaw 67. Vase: J Frazer (Woolooware 12) 59. Scr: C Dyson 72. Plate: R Christie (16) 57. Scr: S Mew 76. Snr: S Humm (11) 61. Scr: P Gregory 70 cb. Jnr: C Nikolaou (4) 64.
MASSEY PARK: 2B Multi: T Downes (19) S Colussi (18) 97. Indiv A: F Tierney (4) 43. B: D Bowyer (16) 41 cb. C: N Jamieson (20) 42. Scr: F Tierney 39.
MONA VALE: 2B: F Vumbaka (32) K Begaud (29) 50. Indiv A: R Denton (11) 39 cb. B: R Fleming (16) 42. C: C Diggle (24) 39 cb. Scr: J Hurst 31.
MONASH: Team: S Murphy (16) D McKinnon (11) A Hunt (27) M Cotie (10) 87. Indiv A: B Monk (12) 37. B: C Elliott (14) 36. C: G Jansen (28) 35. White: A Lam (34) 36. Scr: P Dreyer 34. Hole-in-one: D Parsonage at 3rd.
MOORE PARK: 2B: A Erskine (15) G Horton (12) 10 up cb. Scr: P Kosmina J Blood 1 up. Indiv: C Playle (16) 5 up cb.
MORISSET: Medley 2B: J Hollman (26) D Folpp (16) 49 cb. Indiv A: A Henderson (9) 39. B: J Cleary (13) 39 cb. C: K Bone (28) 43. W: S Smith (26) 38.
MOSS VALE: 2B: L Banfield (26) S Henry (36) 11 up. Indiv A: P Richards (6) 2 up. B: B Fisk (13) 3 up cb. C: S Slater (21) 7 up.
MT BROUGHTON: Medley Stableford: G Windeyer (9) 40.
MUREE: Stableford A: D Holmes (9) 39 cb. B: M Pepperall (15) 40. C: L Heke (25) 38 cb.
MUIRFIELD: 2B: G Barnes (24) G Read (15) 53. Indiv A: L Welsh (7) 41 cb. B: J Cusack (15) 44. C: G Barnes (24) 45. Scr: G Willard 34 cb.
NEW BRIGHTON: 2B: F Simone (11) G Hannah (24) 46. Indiv A: H Talloch (12) 38. B: G McClean (13) 37 cb.C: R Riley (22) 36. Foursome c'ship: J McFarlane D Sampson 139 J Field G Langby 139 to play off. B: M Hoy D Hawkins 160. C: J Broadstock R Strauss 174. Hcp: G Kennedy A Dawson (26) 62 cb.
NORTH RYDE: 2B: J Thom (31) T Radovanic (33) 48. Indiv A: R Fennell (12) 38. B: G Dennis (14) 42 cb. C: B Goron (24) 42 cb.
NORTH TURRAMURRA: Stableford: R Klemt (10) 39.
NORTHBRIDGE: Stableford A: M Delatovic (4) 38 cb. B: J Firkin (18) 40. C: G Clunne (28) 38. Scr: M Delatovic 34. Trophy: M Cavanagh (29) 41. Singles KO f: M Barden-Case bt B Josika at 18th.
NSW: Stableford: G Myman (24) 41. Scr: D Reale 35. Cup: B Harrisberg (7) 36. Hole-in-one: J Briggs at 17th.
OATLANDS: Stableford A: R Bowyer (8) 39. B: M Carlin (15) 40 cb. C: K Downes (19) 38. D: P Cullen (33) 39. Scr: Y Park 35.
PALM BEACH: 2B: B Van Der Reyden (32) R McEwen (24) 46. Scr: K Neilsen S Player 36. Indiv: P Brennan (24) 39. Scr: S Rigney 31.
PENNANT HILLS: Team: D Garnsey (9) A Haigh (9) D Dixon (13) H Atkinson (8) 52. Stableford A: A Bennie (9) 39. B: B Akdogen (14) 39. C: J Ingram (30) 39. Scr: S Oitmaa 34. Remembrance Trophy: B Akdogen. Ex-Service: B Corderoy (22) 34. Vis: F Pankhurst (Castle Hill 28) 36.
PENRITH: 2B Agg: G Matthews (21) P Adams (9) 73. Scr: A Gomez M Newton 62. Indiv A: D Campbell (8) 36 cb. B: K Sutcliffe (13) 37 cb. C: R Rimmer (20) 37. Foursome: D Limbach S Ballard 152 J Gadd D Hughes 152 to play off. Hcp: I Forrester P Tunchon (11) 145.
PYMBLE: 4B: D Boyce (13) W Baud (19) 46. Scr: R Cross S Woods 37. Indiv A: R Forbes (9) 40. B: C Charlton (14) 37. C: T Westhoff (21) 37.
RANDWICK: Split 6: K Smith (20) P Illidge (21) J Backhouse (15) D Cornwell (28) 89.
RICHMOND: 2B div 1: P Jones (15) G Raby (7) 45 cb. Div 2: G O'Hair (26) G Stephenson (15) 45 cb. Scr: T Williams G Smith 39. Indiv A: G Kelvey (11) 42. B: S Dorman (18) 37 cb. C: M Crotty (22) 37.
ROSEVILLE: Foursome c'ship: T Saddington M Garrett 143 D Fischer S Abernethy 156 cb. Foursome Stableford: K Seeto (27) M Thomas (20) 37. Indiv: C Foley (5) 39.
ROSNAY: Medley 4B Agg: B Nuon (26) V Piggott (31) 74. Scr: T Field B Lee 55. Indiv div 1: T Field (7) 39. Div 2: J Dobrownyj (20) 42.
ROYAL SYDNEY: 4B: S Basil-Jones (13) B Ditchfield (16) 47.
RUM CORPS: Stableford div 1: M Taggert (16) 38. Div 2: A Ricci (25) 42.
RYDE-PARRAMATTA: Foursome: J Hall G Miller (22) 67. Scr: A Sturmer S Spence 76. PM: P Choi D Son (15) 69. Scr: B Laing G Squire 78. C'ship f: A Sturmer S Spence 152. Res: A Don G McAulay 182. B: R Moir P Wells 183. C: J Hall G Miller 89. Hcp: M Farr B Farr (6) 151.
ST MICHAEL'S: 2B: A Boolkin (18) M Cohen (30) 47 cb. Scr: D Cameron Z Mullins 42. Indiv A: C Wasserman (12) 39. B: J Pardi (14) 38 cb. C: M Cohen (30) 39. Scr: Z Mullins 39. Gold: S Davies N Pavlovski (13) 46. Indiv: S Davies (26) 42.
SEFTON: Stroke A: D Quain (6) 51. B: J Hampton (18) 50.
SHELL COVE: 4B: A Benson (15) G Wilkinson (23) 49. Scr: M Ashelford D Sanese 40. Indiv: A Benson (15) 44. Scr: M Ashelford 37.
SHELLY BEACH: 2B Multi: D Duffy (21) T McVeigh (22) 70. Mxd: M Lunn (38) M Shoveller (27) 82. Indiv A: P Furlonger (8) 38. B: G Wheele (14) 36. C: O Stadelmann (22) 40.
SHOALHAVEN HEADS: Medley Stableford A: G Roche (3) 38. B: A Craddock (Jamberoo 13) 38. C: G Reynolds (Jamberoo 22) 42. W: V Askew (17) 37.
SPRINGWOOD: Holden Scramble qlfr: A Geldard S Transom C Weber G Hancock (6-1/8) 53-7/8.
STONECUTTERS RIDGE: 4B: J Ujarkovic (21) D Mckinley (23) 48. Scr: R Attwood M Taylor 40. Indiv A: R Attwood (plus 1) 37 cb. B: B Mendoza (15) 39. C: S Croft (26) 42. Shield: R Ostler R Hall bt C Mumberson W Cochran 2-1.
STRATHFIELD: Stroke A: J Snelgrove (8) 71. B: B Hestelow (14) 69. C: M Roh (26) 70. Scr: J Snelgrove 79. Veteran: R Poynting (26) 70. Stableford: J Saliba (31) 39. Cup: B Hestelow.
TALLWOODS: Stroke: B Lieberman (13) 68.
TERREY HILLS: Medley 2B: R Harpham (23) K Byun (24) 45. Indiv A: C Goldschmidt (8) 40. B: E Christensen (17) 39. C: R Harpham (23) 39.
THE AUSTRALIAN: Stableford A: B Davis (8) 34. B: J Li (13) 36. C: T James (33) 43. Scr: L Roberts 31.
THE COAST: Stableford A: G Adams (12) 36. B: G Langridge (16) 39. C: R Carbonaro (26) 39 cb. Scr: R Macey 27. Jnr: K Ryan (7) 30.
THE LAKES: Stroke: C Barrett (11) 38. Trophy: E Farmer (19) 41.
TOUKLEY: 4B: R Phillip (21) L Lear (10) 48. Scr: P Chatillon V Chatillon 37. Indiv A: B Needs (8) 39. B: G Royal (18) 39. C: M Davison (22) 45. Hole-in-one: R Marsh at 13th.
TUNCURRY: Stroke A: P Royal (7) 73 cb. Scr: T Kennings 78. B: B Pol (18) 75 cb. Scr: V Arnold 89. C: G Berry (22) 71. Scr: M Painter 96.
TWIN CREEKS: 2B Agg: C Oh (18) S Cho (19) 77. Indiv A: D Murphy (7) 36 cb. Scr: J Glasheen 35. B: C Oh (18) 37. Scr: J Duffell 21. C: S Cho (19) 40. Scr: N Ussia 16 cb.
WAKEHURST: 2B: J Brooker (25) V Demasi (21) 52. Scr: G Dickerson A Brown 41. Indiv A: C Wayling (11) 40. B: P Cohen (18) 42. C: V Demasi (21) 43.
WALLACIA: 2B: B Williams (23) G Scott (18) 50. Scr: C Vidgal J Vidgal 38. Indiv A: G Blair (11) 40. B: K Weston (16) 39 cb. C: B Williams (23) 44.
WARRINGAH: 2B: M Wilson (15) D Cripps (15) 45 cb. Indiv A: M Patison (plus 1) 39. B1: D Cripps (15) 37 cb. B2: J Battaglia (22) 39 cb. C: B Morgan (36) 38. Scr: M Patison 40. Trophy: M Patison.
WENTWORTH FALLS: 2B: J Gorry (18) M Casey (18) 48. Indiv: J Gorry (18) 42. Scr: M Hickey 32.
WINDSOR: 4B: M Halcrow (12) M Pinchbeck (18) 10 up cb. Scr: C Nelson T Morier 2 up. Indiv A: B McInnes (6) 6 up. B: A Murray (20) 4 up. C: B Grant (25) 5 up.
WISEMANS FERRY: Stableford: B Werner (14) 38.
WOOLLAHRA: 2B: C Wertheim (25) C Brisson (17) 12 up cb. Indiv A: J Farren-Price (15) 4 up. B: R Nahum (20) 7 up. C: R Davies (28) 3 up. Cup semi-f: T Kinsella bt P Ford 1 up, G Naddel bt B Selley 3-2.
WOOLOOWARE: Stableford: C McKenzie (18) 40. Scr: B Timmins 33. Trophy: C McKenzie (18) K MacDougall (10) 74.
WORRIGEE LINKS: Stableford A: S Cochrane (scr) 38. B: C Cole (15) 44. C: G Pond (21) 40.
WYONG: 2B: S Mills (19) P Henderson (19) 47 cb. Indiv A: B Ward (3) 40. B: M Rowell (14) 41 cb. C: B Doughty (31) 44. Scr: B Ward 37.
WARREN TROPHY: Rd 3: Div 1: Campbelltown 3-1/2 bt Antill Park 0. Div 2: Wallacia 2-1/2 bt Cabramatta 1, Fox Hills 3 bt Macarthur Grange 1/2. Div 3: Penrith 3-1/2 bt Leonay 0, Glenmore 2-1/2 bt Liverpool 1. Div 4: Asquith 2 bt Moore Park 1-1/2, Castlecove 2-1/2 bt Lane Cove 1. Div 5: Cammeray 3 bt Cumberland 1/2, Bayview 2-1/2 bt Barnwell Park 1. Div 6: Gordon 2-1/2 bt Riverside Oaks 1, Richmond 3-1/2 bt Muirfield 0. Div 7: Hurstville 2 bt Beverley Park 1-1/2, The Coast 2 bt Woolooware 1-1/2. Div 8: Northbridge 3 bt Botany 1/2, Randwick 3 bt Kareela 1/2. Div 9: Balgowlah 2 bt Woollahra 1-1/2. Div 10: Bexley 2-1/2 bt Palm Beach 1, Rosnay 2-1/2 bt Bondi 1.
GIBSON TROPHY: Rd 3: Div 1: Campbelltown 3 bt Antill Park 1/2. Div 2: Cabramatta 2 bt Wallacia 1-1/2, Fox Hills 3 bt Macarthur Grange 1/2. Div 3: Leonay 2 bt Penrith 1-1/2, Liverpool 2 bt Glenmore 1-1/2. Div 4: Moore Park 2-1/2 bt Asquith 1, Castlecove 3 bt Lane Cove 1/2. Div 5: Cammeray 3-1/2 bt Cumberland 0, Bayview 2-1/2 bt Barnwell Park 1. Div 6: Gordon 2-1/2 bt Riverside Oaks 1, Muirfield 3-1/2 bt Richmond 0. Div 7: Hurstville 2 bt Beverley Park 1-1/2, The Coast 2-1/4 bt Woolooware 1-1/4. Div 8: Northbridge 3-1/2 bt Botany 0, Randwick 2 bt Kareela 1-1/2. Div 9: Woollahra 3-1/2 bt Balgowlah 0. Div 10: Bexley 3-1/2 bt Palm Beach 0, Rosnay 2-1/2 bt Bondi 1.
NSW:Golf Results Eric Apperly Shield ERIC APPERLY SHIELD: Rd 5: Div 1: St Michael's 4 bt The Lakes 2, Cronulla 4-1/2 bt Killara 1-1/2. Div 2: Div 3: Monash 5 bt Stonecutters Ridge 1, Royal Sydney 4 bt Penrith 2. Div 4: Ryde-Parramatta 3-1/2 bt Antill Park 2-1/2, Concord 4-1/2 bt Avondale 1-1/2. Div 5: Long Reef 5 bt Oatlands 1, Pymble 3 sq The Australian 3, Cromer 3-1/2 bt North Ryde 2-1/2. AAP
ANTILL PARK: Stableford: M Shay (26) 34 cb.
AVALON: Stroke: J Spicer (27) 65. Scr: L Valitis 88. C'ship f: L Valitis 269. B: H Crutch 325. Hcp: L Valitis (21) 205.
BEVERLEY PARK: Stableford: C McDonald (17) 39.
BEXLEY: Stableford: K Baker (36) 40.
BLACKHEATH: Stableford: J Simpson (26) 39.
BOWRAL: Stableford: J Deane (19) 35 cb.
CAMDEN: Foursome div 1: S Marsh M Brown (19) 75. Scr: M Malcolm R Wright 91. Div 2: D Dewar M Hewitt (28) 75. Scr: J Cook C Bell 100.
CAMDEN LAKESIDE: 2B: L Hall (12) C Jones (16) 45. Indiv: T Wood (6) 36.
CASTLECOVE: Stableford: C Isaacs (37) 34.
CROMER: Par: J Atchison (19) 2 down.
GEORGES RIVER: Stableford: R Ti-amo (25) 33.
HORIZONS: Stableford: J Kehoe (17) 41.
HURSTVILLE: Bisque Par: J Blain (32) 8 up cb.
KOOINDAH WATERS: Stableford: A Robards (30) 33 cb.
LONG REEF: Stableford: J Brown (8) 33.
LYNWOOD: Foursome c'ship: D Court J Smith 84. Hcp: M Selby C Amery (26-1/2) 70-1/2.
MAGENTA SHORES: Stableford A: D Irwin (25) 33. B: J Smith (35) 37.
MARRICKVILLE: Stroke: B Dunn (29) 61. Scr: J Bevan 81.
MASSEY PARK: 2B: B Ashton (21) M Peterson (37) 48. Indiv Div 1: H Winning (16) 35. Div 2: M Peterson (37) 42. B2 Pennant: Fox Hills 3-1/2 bt Stonecutters Ridge 1-1/2, Carnarvon 3 bt Cumberland 2. Overall: Fox Hills.
MOORE PARK: Par: E Pathnanathan (12) 2 up.
MOSS VALE: Par: S Shallis (20) 1 down cb.
MUREE: Stableford: K Scully (26) 38.
NORTH TURRAMURRA: Stableford: L McDonald (44) 33.
NORTHBRIDGE: Stableford: S Lee (20) 35.
NSW: Stableford: A Bennett (19) 33.
PALM BEACH: Stableford: M Gee (28) 37.
PYMBLE: Stableford: T Sinclair (9) 33.
ROYAL SYDNEY: 4B Centenary: B Lyne (31) S Phillips (30) 45.
SHELLY BEACH: Stableford div 1: W Stapleton (15) 42. Div 2: M Shoveller (27) 40 cb.
THE COAST: Stableford: J Smith (19) 32.
TOUKLEY: Stableford: R Dickey (39) 40.
WAKEHURST: Stableford: J Morris (21) 34.
WALLACIA: Stableford: L Swain (18) 40.
WENTWORTH FALLS: Stableford: P Parker (25) 40.
WISEMANS FERRY: Stableford: B Ferreira (41) 35.
WORRIGEE LINKS: Stableford: P Collier (22) 34.
GUNGAHLIN LAKES: Stableford: A: D Blacklock 35 C Farrell 35 B Stewart 34 J Bush 34. B: K Wallace 39 B Rogers 36 S Pepper 36 P Mullins 35. C: E De Bear 40 M Szabo 35 T Ross 35 M Green 35. W: S Sauer 32 D Larter 29 B Stirling 28 Balls 30 cb.