NSW:Golf Results Women ANTILL PARK: Stroke A: Bickey (14) 76. AVALON: Stableford: H Crutch (42) 37. Cup: M Scully (42) 100. BARNWELL PARK: Stableford: C Sui (38) 41. Matchplay f: J Thomas M Burke bt T Hezlett C Pienaar 3-2. BEXLEY: Stableford: A Au (29) 38. BOWRAL: 4B: P Barker (23) S Short (33) 36. CAMDEN: 4B: K Bull (39) A Wilson (37) 44. Scr: P Scutts R Wright 29. CAMDEN LAKESIDE: Medal Div 1: H Lowe (13) 72. Div 2: K Freu (24) 75. Div 3: D Pyne (25) 73. Stableford: V Withford (17) 34. CASTLECOVE: Stableford: R Talbot (35) 46. CROMER: Stableford: L Davis (7) 35. GEORGES RIVER: Stableford: R Perkins (16) 39. Chick Of The Walk f: M Chester bt C Clarke 2-1. HIGHLANDS: Stableford: D Finlaison (12) 33. HORIZONS: Stableford: I Broughton (39) 35. Yellow: Y Barnard (33) 38. HURSTVILLE: Stableford: M Morgan (26) 40. KOOINDAH WATERS: Stableford: A Fritter (42) 35. LONG REEF: Medal: J Loughnan (24) 68. LYNWOOD: Stableford Div 1: D Northwood (19) 34. Div 2: J Smith (39) 32. MASSEY PARK: 4B c&aposship: B Water W Morrison bt E Macmaster B Broadbent at 19th. Stableford Div 1: K Howe (13) 38. Div 2: D McCarty (27) 35. MOOREPARK: Stableford: L Hours (21) 35. Scr: N Haines 22. NORTH TURRAMURRA: Stableford: K Mahoney (Gordon 36) 44. NORTHBRIDGE: Par: S Lee (20) 4 up. ORCHARD HILLS: Stroke: M McCormick (25) 75. PACIFIC DUNES: Stableford: L Stuart (21) 35. PALM BEACH: Stableford: V Jones (45) 38. ROYAL SYDNEY: 4B Championship: C Thomson (21) S Coughlan (30) 4 up. Centenary: D Ecuyer (17) J Walton (26) 8 up cb. Trophy: D Ecuyer (17) J Walton (26) 8 up cb. SPRINGWOOD: Stroke: J Logan (16) 71. TALLWOODS: Stableford: D Horsell (29) 37. THE COAST: Foursome: A Williams A Porter (39-1/2) 74-1/2. TOUKLEY: Stroke: T Lonergan (12) 75. WAKEHURST: Stableford: S Walker (16) 42. WALLACIA: Cup: K Edwards (18) T Saifoloi (25) 43. Medley: M Gaskin (9) T Saifoloi (25) 47 cb. Indiv: S Owen (22) 40. WENTWORTH FALLS: Stableford: S West (30) 36 cb. WISEMANS FERRY: Stableford: S Moore (37) 38. NSW:Golf Results Men ANTILL PARK: Stableford Cup A: B Willingham (3) 67. B: M Jason (13) 71 cb. C: B Ray (Campbelltown 21) 66. Overall: G Jamieson (19) 65. Scr: J Warren 72. AVONDALE: 4B/Trophy: B Leach (1) R Leach (20) 50. BALGOWLAH: 2B: M Tomchin (17) C Birke (23) 47. BANKSTOWN: 2B: P Hopkins (18) T Fiatrone (16) 78. Scr: G Eves J Carmichael 67. Indiv A: O Balrow (11) 42. B: P Hopkins (18) 41. C: T Rechbauer (21) 39 cb. BARDWELL VALLEY: Medal A: G Lee (3) 59. Scr: T Coroneo 64. B: G Malpass (13) 59. Scr: E Hunter 76. C: L Fitzhenry (26) 62. Scr: P Foley 82. BARNWELL PARK: 2B: R Garcia (21) K Kosmatos (28) 51. Indiv A: A McLucas (12) 41. B: S Gorvannini (Bonnie Doon 15) 42. C: R Garcia (21) 46. BAYVIEW: Medley 2B: R McLeod (21) J Symon (29) 50. Scr: A Coleman M Laracy 36. Indiv A: P Lemoine (7) 41. B: G Welch (16) 42. C1: K Casey (24) 40. C2: S Lavers (29) 39. W: D Doering (27) 36. BERMAGUI: Stableford A: P Christiansen (11) 39. B: J Manton (17) 39. C: G McDonald (36) 32. BEVERLEY PARK: Stableford A: T Martin (11) 39. B: G Whalen (19) 44. C: G Smith (28) 45. Scr: P Keegan 33. BEXLEY: 2B: J Pardy (20) B Hinley (24) 48. Scr: G Browning J Costa 36. Indiv A: P Aroney (11) 39. B: N McMahon (18) 41. C: R Fitzpatrick (25) 43. BLACKHEATH: Medal A: O Antaw (8) 64. B: P Rowe (15) 67. C: A Palmer (22) 61. Gold Medal: O Antaw. BONNIE DOON: Stableford A: A Williams (8) 39. B: M Hay (14) 40. C: J Roth (28) 43. Scr: J McLean 33. D: D Sarkies (33) 40. Snr C&aposship f: R Lawry 157. BONVILLE: Medal A: C Gray (7) 70. B: B Cook (13) 71. C: L Beeby (20) 80. BOTANY: 2B: A Fernandes (16) W Baldwin (11) 51. Indiv: R Turner (19) 45. BOWRAL: Trophy: F Sewell (17) J Wren Patterson (25) 49. 2B: D Barker (20) R Erickson (22) 49. CABRAMATTA: 2B div 1: M McCormick (5) C Short (7) 42. Div 2: J Yedalian (19) J Inzitari (20) 45. Scr: T Norris B Murray 42. Indiv A: P Collins (10) 35 cb. B: S Acreman (14) 38 cb. C1: J Inzitari (20) 36. C2: K Lacey (23) 42. CAMDEN: 2B Multi: B Ball (18) P Coxall (15) 88. Scr: G Miller J Hislop 49. Indiv A: G Miller (8) 39. Scr: D Bolewski 32. B: A Billinghurst (14) 42. Scr: P Coxall 24. C: S Burgess (31) 40. Scr: G Harrison 19. CAMDEN LAKESIDE: 2B: E Durbin (14) T Scrubie (23) 47. Scr: A Bridge L Christopher 36. Indiv A: A Purdie (9) 38. B: F Messina (19) 41. C: M Gerace (20) 40. CAMMERAY: Stableford A: M Owens (3) 37. B: J Macguire (15) 41. C: M Davies (31) 40. CAMPBELLTOWN: Stableford A: D Moulds (12) 40. Scr: M Bell 40. B: C Fogarty (13) 40. Scr: W Nelson (24). C: D Clark (22) 39 cb. Scr: S Muir 18. CARNARVON: 2B: C Boyle (18) T Grasso (14) 50. Scr: G Osborne M Osborne 41. Indiv A: A D&aposOrtona (8) 39. B: M Ng (17) 40. Trophy: A Kang (23) 43. CASTLE HILL: Team: D Ford (6) C Yun (7) E Tan (10) M Gerzanics (17) 116 cb. Indiv: L Hobbs (6) 39. PM: L Verdon (4) R Allen (16) R Riddle (25) A James (15) 123 cb. Scr: J Seabrook A Downton S Hessian K Meurant 111. Indiv: B Jendren (16) 42 cb. CASTLECOVE: Stroke: G Bede (15) 59. C&aposship f: D Gibson 286 G Fieldus 299. B: P Diggins 316 T Lamborn 338. C: S Perkins 352 W Frost 356. Indiv: D Turner (19) 41. CONCORD: 2B: G Connellan (17) J Burdekin (26) 47. Scr: P Macourt K Brewer 36. Indiv A: S Rasiah (14) 37. B: S Anderson (15) 37. C: J Burdekin (26) 36. Gold: P Coyne (31) F Breslin (31) 37. Indiv: R Lawrence (34) 31. CROMER: Stableford A: G Bertram (10) 42. B: G Wright (19) 40. C: J Macqueen (23) 41. Scr: M Taylor 35. CRONULLA: 4B: A Rose (27) A Alonco (15) 47. Scr: M Holman (8) M Smith (10) 38. Hole-in-one: G Thompson at 18th. CUMBERLAND: 2B: S Gonzales (14) J Waterlow (12) 49 cb. Scr: D Auremi G Crawford 38 cb. Indiv A: J Kenyon (8) 40: B: K Moyle (18) 41. C: S Martin (24) 39. Scr: A Auremi 38. CYPRESS LAKES: Medal Div 1: S Bergan (14) 76. Div 2: G Scriven (26) 71. W: L Latham (19) 72. DUBBO: Stableford A: M Gleeson (plus 2 ) 41. B: G Makeham (16) 42. C: S Dunshea (22) 44. DUNHEVED: 4B Agg div 1: C Neill (6) S Oakes (6) 71. Div 2: D Rowsell (18) G Finnie (22) 71. Scr: D Neill C Williams 66. Indiv div 1: S Oakes (6) 39. Div 2: G Fazio (23) 36 cb. Hole-in-one: G McMahon at 13th. EASTLAKE: Canadian Foursome: X Macklinshaw T Kirby (3-3/4) 62-1/4. Scr: F Macaulay R Hitchen 68. Indiv: N Karahalios (19) 37. ELANORA: 2B: T Perce (11) A Brown (20) 50 cb. EVERGLADES: 2B: D Yeend (15) B Parsons (17) 49 cb. Indiv A: G Skinner (11) 44. B: B Parsons (17) 46. C: G Godfrey (20) 44 cb. FAIRFIELD: Stroke A: T Sherman (11) 63. B: P Vander Reest (16) 63. C: F Hastings (19) 63. FOX HILLS: 2B: M Martyn (27) C Heathcote (23) 50 cb. Scr: P Minko G Maguire 36 cb. Indiv A: P Nolan (9) 39. B: P Fraser (17) 42. C: C Heathcote (23) 45. GEORGES RIVER: 2BWB: R Paipa (17) A Lancaster (26) 35. Indiv A: F Moana (10) 45. B: R Host (16) 42. C: A Derbas (33) 47. Cock-O-the Walk f: G Gartner bt A Bournazos 2 up. GIBRALTAR: Stableford Div 1: G Alcock (12) 41. Div 2: A Delamont (31) 39. Scr: A Bray 32 cb. GLENMORE: Ambrose: D Kinsella D Orth (6-1/2) 58-1/2. Scr: B Weir G Dowling 65. Team: Captains 630-3/4 bt President&aposs 656. GORDON: Stroke A: L Li (8) 61. B: L Abe-Weatherhead (18) 56. C: A Quinn (25) 62. D: M Harris (28) 59. Scr: G Inglis 68. Snr C&aposship: N Warren (5) 137. Jnr c&aposship: L Abe-Weatherhead (18) 157. Masters: T O&aposSullivan (22) 126. GOSFORD: 2B: G Haire (19) C Holborow (21) 47 cb. Scr: S Telfer J Delayney 40. Indiv A: R McNeill (17) 40 cb. B: G Haire (19) 40 cb. GOSFORD: Stableford A: D Coulter (12) 40. B: G Suters (18) 42. C: G McNamara (21) 41. GROSS RIVER: Stableford: B Ritchie (9) 45. HAWKS NEST: Medal A: M Lawrence (13) 64. B: A Brooker (20) 67. C: B Titley (24) 67. HIGHLANDS: Stableford A: D Payne (6) 40. B: W Houghton (13) 42. C: M Wortz (21) 39. HORIZONS: Stableford: G Lord (19) 44. HURSTVILLE: 2B: J Pantano (12) J Varas (12) 52. Mxd 2B: K Wagner (26) M Castillo (25) 48. S Indiv: A: B Beehan (14) 42 cb. B: I Rydstrand (17) 44. C: R McKnight (31) 45. Matchplay f: G Boulton bt J Lysle 3-2. KAREELA: 2B Agg: B Kerry (8) J Kerry 22) 82. Indiv div 1: A Harrop (5) 39. Div 2: A Walters (Broken Hill 15) 39 cb. Div 3: J Beardsley (26) 37. Scr: A O&aposConnor 31. Cock-O the-Walk f: J Anderson D Lane bt N Morrison D Batten 2-1. KATOOMBA: Ambrose: B J Ranse J Hilder (4) 59. Scr: B J Ranse J Hilder 63. KILLARA: Stableford A: M Sullivan (13) 40 cb. B: C Brown (19) 43. C: I Alwill (24) 41. Scr: J Wooster 38. KOGARAH: 2B/Trophy: G Millar (6) S Ali (2) 50. Indiv A: D Picone (12) 42. B: P Short (19) 39. C: D Sharkey (28) 41. Scr: M Gannon 36. KOOINDAH WATERS: Stableford div 1: P Goodwin (8) 41 cb. Div 2: T Bennett (22) 40. Hole-in-one: P Goodwin at 17th. LANE COVE: Stroke A: A Powter (12) 58. Scr: G Deacon 69. B: B Watkin (14) 59. Scr: B Watkin 73. C: N Corish (27) 57. Scr: H Shaw 82. LEURA: 2B: D Williams (22) R Yates (15) 13 up. Indiv: D Williams (22) 7 up cb. LIVERPOOL: 2B: T Shipway (10) A Crabtree (24) 48 cb. Scr: A Chu V Lee 38. Indiv A: T Shipway (10) 41. B: G McCarthy (14) 39. C: A Crabtree (24) 42. LONG REEF: Medal A: M Cahalane (11) 68. B: M Fisscher (18) 66. C: R Lanes (25) 67. Scr: K Hooker 73. MACCARTHUR GRANGE: Ambrose: P Reuben M Wetton K Dilucchio P Dilucchio (8) 53. Scr: T Lowe M Brinkworth S Bate A August 56. MACQUARIE LINKS: Stableford A: G Hay (11) 39 cb. B: P Medulla (15) 38. C: H Lung (27) 33. W: J O&aposBrien (6) 37. MAGENTA SHORES: 2B: D Saunders (24) D Pond (8) 42. Indiv A: S Thomlinson (8) 33. B: R Hex (17) 36. C: D Saunders (24) 30. W A: C Howarth (18) 38. B: F Woodhouse (28) 32. MANLY: 2B: T Smith (20) D Wolski (28) 79. Indiv: M Munsie (17) 43. MARRICKVILLE: Medal A: J Patane (13) 58 cb. Scr: T Jackson 62. Vis: B Henry (Longyard 8) 56. B: M Solomon (15) 59. Scr: M Solomon 74. C: R Mair (20) 61 cb. Scr: R Mair 81. C: S Naudi (Bexley 23) 59. J J Miley Trophy: P Quinn 181. MASSEY PARK: 2B: W Georgeson (19) A Smit (25) 49. Indiv A: C Matthews (13) 42. B: R Miller (19) 39. C: R Desgrand (14) 34. Scr: G Bain 33. MONA VALE: Stroke: L Pedersen (25) 68. Scr: P Rudd 76. Stableford A: G Wooster (5) 36 cb. B: D Harris (13) 43. C1: R Douglass (25) 41. C2: K Steward (29) 37. MONASH: Stroke A: T Pritchard-Davies (9) 70. B: R Davies (16) 65. C: K Jackson (27) 70. Indiv: P Lipman (33) 33 cb. Scr: D Cullam 75 cb. Trophy: R Davies (16) 141. Scr: S Patel 147. MOORE PARK: Stableford A: M Tey (9) 41. B: C Carpis (14) 40. C: I Walters (22) 39. Scr: K Kim 33. Hole-in-one: J Hart at 2nd. MORISSET: Stableford A: B Roberts (5) 38. B: C Wilson (16) 43. C: L Jeston (26) 40. W: D Robinson (45) 36. MOSS VALE: 2B: D Turnbull (8) N Howe (23) 50. MUIRFIELD: 2B: D Foster (14) L Warton (8) 49. Scr: C Gilvear A MacIntosh 41 cb. Indiv A: T Muir (3) 39 cb. B: M Furlong (14) 41. C: M Gannon (32) 42 cb. MUREE: Stableford A: R Birrell (10) 43. B: R Bunting (18) 43. C: H Riley (34) 44. W: A Howell (7) 33. NEW BRIGHTON: 2B: A Sweeney (14) N McBride (18) 49. Indiv A: M Bain (7) 40. B: G Leer (16) 38. C: K Pursehouse (28) 39 cb. NORTH RYDE: 2B: B Mullins (17) B Twohill (31) 49. Indiv A: G Smith (11) 39 cb. B: B McKew (18) 39 cb. C: J Walsh (21) 45. Hole-in-one: B Abbott at 10th. NORTH TURRAMURRA: Stableford A: D Browne (Gordon 15) 39. B: R Evans (North Ryde 28) 46. NORTHBRIDGE: Par A: G Brown (13) 5 up. B: M Dawkings (18) 3 up cb. C: N Percy (23) 4 up cb. Scr: J Reber 5 down. Trophy: A Dunn (16) 6 up. Foursome qlfrs Mrj: H Bowman M Watkins 67. Mnr: D Starte C Evans 79 cb. NOWRA: Stableford A: M McClelland (10) 39. B: F Jordan (18) 41. C: A Goodman (21) 44. NSW: Stableford A: A Gordon (3) 40. B: A Cohen (14) 40. Scr: A Gordon 37. White C: B Torrey (23) 42. Gold: B Cotsios (34) 34. OATLANDS: Stableford A: C Papadopoulo (8) 41 cb. B: C Davies (17) 44. C: B Gleeson (24) 41. D: R Evans (27) 39. Scr: J Coates 34. PACIFIC DUNES: Stableford A: J Pease (16) 40. B: D Overend (23) 43. Hole-in-one: J Keneally at 8th. PALM BEACH: Stableford A: D Montefiore (12) 39. B: J McFarlane (13) 39. C: R Good (22) 44. D: C Nicholson (29) 43. Jnr: L Edkins (36) 11. PARRAMATTA: 2B Agg: T Wills (22) M Wills (33) 79 cb. Scr: T Dibble C Travers 66. Indiv A: R Johnston (10) 38 cb. B: J Antonios (13) 43. C: T Wills (22) 42 cb. PENNANT HILLS: Stableford A: R Main (9) 40 cb. B: D Cuneen (15) 42. C: D Coulton (33) 45. Scr: C O&aposReilly 37 cb. PENRITH: AMCR 72 2B Multi: G Murty (26) I Egan (23) 83. Scr: B Parsonage D Day 47. Indiv A: G Sales (7) 41. B: R Dyer (13) 38. C: P Smith (30) 38. PYMBLE: 4B: P Murray (12) M Thom (24) 51. Scr: N Cain C Green 39. Indiv A: M MacQuillan (7) 39 cb. B: J Hooper (13) 45. C: M Thom (24) 43. Trophy: J Hooper (13) 78. Scr: B Cross 70. RAE: 2B: M Egan (17) D Nieas (7) S Mason (18) 49. Indiv A: G Wells (4) 41. B: S Mason (18) 42. C: P Seamons (21) 40. RANDWICK: Foursome: F Squadrito B Hollis (9-1/2) 57-1/2. Scr: A: S Morrison M Todd 66. C&aposship f B: H McKellar A Sulway 74. C: K Smith P Illidge 78. RICHMOND: 2B div 1: P Gardiner (13) S Delkou (14) 48. Div 2: P Deane (17) G Leyshon (22) 46. Scr: T McMillen N Ball 40. Indiv A: G Douglas (11) 43. B: B Finn (14) 41. C: J Howes (25) 39. RIVERSIDE OAKS: Stableford A: J Partridge (11) 44. B: P Kastl (14) 40. C: P Ross (22) 44. ROSEVILLE: 2B: B Gentle (12) P Carmody (16) 47. Scr: G MacNamara D Fischer 38. Indiv A: B Gentle (12) 37. B: D Cameron (15) 42. C1: R Ulrick (22) 39. C2: C Attfield (26) 36. ROSNAY: 4B: R Kumar (scr) S Mason (7) 48. Scr: A Ram J Mason 38. Mxd: J Whybrow (31) S Prykasar (26) 47. Indiv Div 1: B Doig (12) 42 cb. Div 2: P Calman (17) 40. W: J Whybrow (31) 40. ROYAL SYDNEY: AMCR 73 4B: G Hall (15) A Scott (19) 13 up. Trophy: D Morris (9) J Morris (10) 8 up cb. RUM CORPS: Stableford: J Law (19) 39. Hole-in-one: P Crumpton at 18th. RYDE PARRAMATTA: 2B div 1: W Dickinson (15) D Wakeham (18) 77. Div 2: L Hawksley (21) A Pavey (14) 79 cb. Indiv A: G Besgrove (9) 44. B: D Wakeham (18) 43. C: L Hawksley (21) 43. D: S Kim (29) 43. Scr: S Vail 73. Hole-in-one: D Wakeham at 17th. SEFTON: 2B: D Maytom (6) T Jochaim (15) 44. Indiv A: C Howarth (10) 39. B: R Gilzean (13) 40. SHELLHARBOUR: Ambrose: N Rowlison M Somerset (7-1/4) 59-3/4. Scr: T Weston S Ready 65. SHELLY BEACH: 2B multi: G Hutton (6) M Hutton (3) 78. Medley: V Barbat (17) R Barbat (35) 80. Indiv A: G Hutton (6) 42. B: D Andrews (13) 38. C: T White (22) 36. W div 1: J Abrahams (10) 38. Div 2: R Barbat (35) 40. SHOALHAVEN HEADS: Stableford A: S Sparks (2) 39. B: J Corr (15) 41. C: F Moon (35) 44. Scr: I Asbury 35. SPRINGWOOD: Stroke A: J Brosas (10) 68. Scr: J Cabban 69. B: J Main (13) 66. Scr: J Main 79. C: M Sherwood (20) 66. Scr: M Sherwood 86. C&aposship A: J Cabban 281. B: C Liddell 330. C: M Sherwood 367. Veteran: N Richardson 325. Jnr: J Crawley 313. Stroke A: D Philipson (13) 66. B: E Sinco (20) 61. C: B Bernhardt (22) 69. Captain&aposs Trophy: P Mason (17) 66 cb. ST MICHAELS: Medley 2B: M Cohen (29) N Sundel (22) 47 cb. Scr: S Costa P Whalan 41. Gold: J Taylor (35) B Higgins (34) 43. Indiv A: G Raper (7) 39. B: B Dale (17) 40. C: D Smith (19) 39. Gold: G Hooper (29) 41. W: K Moses (12) 36. Scr: S Costa 36. STONECUTTERS RIDGE: Medley 4B: P Needham (18) D Sadove (14) 49. Scr: M Taylor R Edwards 40. Indiv A: G Lee (9) 40. B: M Merryfull (15) 41. C: A Ortanez (24) 39 cb. STRATHFIELD: 2B: D Cho (21) H Kim (22) 49. Scr: J Floridia P Tastouras 37. Indiv: J Floridia (5) 40 cb. TALLWOODS: Stableford A: I Granger (7) 37. B: C Cameron (16) 39. C: A Smith (21) 38. TERREY HILLS: Stableford A: C Yim (10) 35 cb. B: I Thatcher (15) 39. C: J Clayton (20) 38. Snr qlfrs: D Yong M Booth B Peterson T Serizawa P Knox F Keenan R Burn N Moran. TERRIGAL: Medley Stableford: M Daley (20) 39. W: Lindsay (37) 36. THE AUSTRALIAN: Silver Medal A: A Hunter (12) 71. B: P Theodore (18) 70. C: N Confos (23) 71. Scr: G Booth 73. Stableford: P Dayman (23) 33. THE COAST: Foursome A: P Voon L Gonzalez (16) 71. Scr: M Power P Dillon 84. C&aposship f: R Masey S Cameron 154. Hcp: D Myer T Shute (9-1/2) 74-1/2. B: D Romeo A King 85 T Adams M Galaway 85 to play off. Hcp: D Romeo A King (18) 67. C: P Dowling G Smith 92. Hcp: P Dowling G Smith (20-1/2) 71-1/2. THE LAKES: Stableford: P Ivany (28) 40. Scr: T O&aposRouke 33 cb. Trophy: C Comino (18) 36. Apr: I Alexander (32) 42. THE SPRINGS: C&aposship A: Clarke 257. B: M Whitfield 327. W: V Whitfield 340. TOUKLEY: Medal A: M Jolly (11) 65. Scr: M Marsh 72. B: M Jennings (15) 62. Scr: M Jennings 77. C: M Fell (19) 71. Scr: M Fell 90. TWIN CREEKS: 2B: K Loh (10) K Neat (13) 46. Indiv: A Pondekas (10) 39 cb. Scr: G Wright 34. W: L Kim (20) 31. WAKEHURST: 2B: R Gilroy (14) G Brown (7) 49. Scr: A Sutton M Bateman 40. Indiv A: M Gough (10) 41. Scr: A Brown 36. B: R Gilroy (14) 41. Scr: R Gilroy 27. C: C Beghin (24) 43. Scr: R Knapp 20. WALLACIA: 2B: W Emery (24) R Lees (8) 50. Scr: D Osbourne D Duguid 39 cb. Indiv A: D Rose (11) 43. B: P Rose (15) 40 cb. C: W Emery (24) 44. WARRINGAH: Irish team: A Yabsley (35) N Butler (20) T Mitchell (30) D Neill (26) 98. Stableford A: B Hall (9) 38 cb. B1: P Benbow (19) 38 cb. B2: N Butler (20) 44. C/Trophy: D Keenan (28) 45. Scr: M Patterson 37. WENTWORTH FALLS: Stroke A: B Decelis (11) 67. Scr: A Stephens 70. B: T Allaburton (17) 68. Scr: J Gorrie (14) 85. C: E Ceresnie (32) 68. Scr: G Eather (23) 92. C&aposship: M Hickey 309. B: Bryger 344. C: R Golotta 389. Veteran: M Patterson 309. WINDSOR: 4B: K Johnson (14) W Howson (22) 50. Scr: C Knobbs D Burton 37. Indiv A: P Lipovic (11) 38 cb. B: J Coull (19) 40. C: L Dyke (23) 39. PM A: M Jones (11) 39. B: P Wakefield (16) 41. C: C Browne (36) 37 cb. WISEMANS FERRY: Stableford: F Helbling (20) 46. WOLLONGONG: 4B: P Petran (27) D Fiumara (13) 54. WOOLLAHRA: 2B Agg: F Hogan (23) J O&aposBrien (25) 88. Indiv div 1: L Tosh (15) 41. Div 2: A Confos (23) 41. Div 3: J O&aposBrien (25) 45. WOOLOOWARE: Stroke: R Lombo (20) 67 cb. Vardon Cup: A Bautista 71 cb J Grierson 71. WYONG: 2B: N Oven (33) B Hore (15) 49. Indiv A: B Williams (7) 45. B: B Hore (15) 44. C: A Duncan (21) 40 cb. Scr: B Williams 38.