MEN ASQUITH: 2B agg div 1: J Olsson (17) D Turner (18) 48. Div 2: J Jarvis (18) C Introna (21) 50. Scr: M Daniels J Flood 38. Team agg: M Urasaki (7) K Ishidi (11) K Sawa (16) S Uto (14) 149. Indiv A: R McKendrick (6) 41. B: J Jarvis (18) 43. C: R King (19) 44. D: R Dorey (29) 41. BALGOWLAH: Stableford A: B Handspiker (12) 40. B: J Franklin (18) 40. C: M Chambers (20) 41. BANKSTOWN: 2B agg: J Kirgan (7) R Taylor (16) 78. Scr: M Brown M Bevan 69. Indiv A: P Raper (12) 43. B: J Protheroe (13) 40 cb. C: A Theouli (26) 40. BAYVIEW: 2B: M Jack (11) M Pocklington (18) 46. Scr: M Blenkhorn A Verity 36. Indiv A: O Poate (7) 37. B: J Rollings (15) 40. C1: R Pogson (21) 38. C2: J Maher (28) 36 cb. BEVERLEY PARK: Stableford A: D Snape (11) 40. B: G Devlin (13) 41. C: G Williams (26) 43. Scr: K Rae 34. BEXLEY: 2B: B Payne (19) I Graham (19) 49 cb. Scr: T Yates F Waetcher 39. Indiv: B Cunneen (21) 40 cb. Plate: R Kelly (13) 40 cb. Trophy: S Kearney (The Coast 15) 40. BLACKHEATH: 2B: M Gregg (23) E Raets (12) 48. Indiv: M Gregg (23) 38. BONNIE DOON: 2B Agg: L Economou (17) M Eonomou (19) 81. Indiv A: S Johnson (8) 40. B: E Economou (17) 41. C: D Van Der Goot (25) 41. D: M Einfeld (34) 35. Scr: J Grierson 36. Holes-in-one: M Colquhoun, R McDonough at 15th. BONVILLE: Split six: T Campbell (10) E Cox (17) J Robinson (7) B Smith (12) 104 cb. Indiv: J Hardcastle (14) 37. BOWRAL: Stableford: P Dunn (26) 43. CABRAMATTA: AMCR 71 2B div 1: P Citroni (15) M Sainsbury (9) 44. Div 2: W Duncombe (18) D Sawyer (28) 49. Scr: M Bogivic P Stojanovski 40. Team: R Tran (16) A Yam (Riverside Oaks 16) C McManus (19) C Hovey (Gibraltar 16) 111 cb. Indiv A: N Williams (11) 39. B: R Tran (16) 43. C: G Eidintas (32) 38. CAMMERAY: 2B: R Hankin (27) L Horan (14) 48. Indiv: S Dyer (8) 41. CAMPBELLTOWN: 4B: C Dawson (17) K Venters (9) 45. Indiv A: C Garrad (121) 39. B: W Woodham (19) 37 cb. C: J Cannuli (20) 38. Scr: G Reid 33. CASTLE HILL: 2B: R Hard (28) J Seed (17) 45 cb. Indiv: J Thompson (17) 39. PM: M Nasso (13) L Lynch (19) 45. Scr: A Edge R Gibbeson 41. Indiv: K Dawes (14) 39. Bonnie Doon: 2B: D Riley (16) M Hill (18) 48. Scr: M Harry N Watts 42. Indiv A: P Wotton (12) 39. B: D Riley (16) 42. C: J Barker-Whittle (22) 35. Gold 2B: R Lawrence (32) K Goodrick (28) 39. Indiv: R Lawrence (32) 33. CROMER: 4B: P Bowles (10) D Allison (20) 48. Scr: J Ponder M Locke 40. Indiv div 1: P Bowles (10) 42 cb. Div 2: B Tustin (22) 41. Scr: J Ponder 38. CUMBERLAND: 2B A Lapperman (19) E Gielarowski (16) 46. Scr: P Starc G McGregor 38. Indiv div 1: P Starc (2) 40. Div 2: A Lapperman (19) 38. Div 3: P Hayes (24 )39. Scr: Z Macic 32. DUNHEVED: Veteran Stableford A: L Novak (12) 38. B: R McGuigan (20) 42. C: A Jones (35) 42. EASTLAKE: 2B: A Buckingham (4) M Buckingham (2) 47 cb. Indiv A: M Phillips (4) 39 cb. B: I Vines (20) 40. C: J Bagnall (26) 41. D: T Mansour (30) 35. Vis: A Buckingham (The Coast 4) 37. Scr: M Buckingham 37. EVERGLADES: 2B: M Clune (20) I Pentony (25) 51. Indiv: J Leon (4) 39. B: K Mascill (14) 40. C: D Biddle (20) 44. D: R Chant (28) 39. FORSTER: Stableford A: T Richardson (14) 44. Scr: R Duggan 40. B: W Coombe (19) 47. Scr: G Marsden (Belmont) 23. C: B Hayman (28) 40 cb. Scr: D Raywood 17 cb. GEORGES RIVER: Stroke A: C Elton (Kareela 8) 65 cb. B: R McWilliams (St Georges Basin 26) 65. GOSFORD: 2B: P Hunt (13) C Willis (24) 49. Indiv: F McGlynn (20) 43. Scr: K Cubis 32 cb. HARRINGTON WATERS: Stableford: H Overton (22) 42. HIGHLANDS: Stableford: K Sobey (24) 42. HORIZONS: Stableford: T Pitt (15) 39. JAMBEROO: Stableford div 1: R Hourn (15) 40. Div 2: C Rodgers (24) 40. Div 3: A Beadling (30) 37. KAREELA: 2B: G Bradshaw (19) M Bradshaw (14) 47. Indiv div 1: C Rodden (14) 38 cb. Div 2: V Waring (16) 41. Div 3: I Tanner (23) 38. Scr: M Beohm 34. KILLARA: 2B: I Dickson (19) S Rail (10) 50. Scr: J Wooster P Fairweather 40. Indiv A: W Macdonald (7) 40. B: A Braid (18) 44. C: M Prior (27) 40. Hole-in-One: M Clearey at 17th. KOGARAH: 2B: G Patterson (29) P Thorne (19) 49. Indiv A: P Levett (10) 41. B: A Flood (15) 41. C: M Hingston (31) 42. Scr: B Nagi 37. Veteran: M Hingston (31) 42. LANE COVE: 2BWB: A Hall (20) N Walser (27) 27. Indiv: A Hall (20) 42. LEURA: 2B: S Hayes (7) M Duane (12) 47 cb. Indiv: M Duane (12) 38 cb. LONG REEF: 4B: R Castorina (13) D Peak (21) 47 cb. Indiv A: M Slater (7) 40. B: R Castorina (13) 43. C: J Fallowfield (21) 40. Scr: R Bockman 39. LYNWOOD: A/Medal: B Gibson (11) 70. B: M Gaven (27) 70. MACQUARIE LINKS: 2B: R Haywood (1) D Vranic (8) 46. Indiv: R Haywood (1) 41. MANLY: 2B: S Moran (14) C Douglas (23) 48. Indiv: C Douglas (23) 41. MONA VALE: A: L Farrawell (12) 40. B: A Peagam (17) 39 cb. C: M Kim (21) 39 cb. C2: P Clemments (36) 35. Scr: J Wooster 33. MONASH: Irish Team: M Joffee (20) G Davies (11) M Selikman (14) G Shulman (10) 90 cb. 2B Scr: R McGovern A Thompson 39. Indiv A: A Thompson (plus 2) 37 cb. B: E Dembo (15) 41. C: J Bliss (20) 38. MOSS VALE: Ambrose: M Handley Z Stachiewicz (9-1/4) 61-3/4. Indiv: H Hedley (13) 37. MUIRFIELD: 2B: G Craven (19) S Ashton (23) 49. Midweek Medal A: A Folkard (12) 40 C Whybrow (10) 40 to play off. Scr: G Wilson 37 cb. B: G Graven (19) 40 T De Rooy (18) 40 to play off. Scr: M Roberts 25. C: C Haggar (24) 39. Scr: C Nicolson 20. NORTH RYDE: 2B: B Murphy (30) F Sinclair (27) 47. Indiv A: B Fensom (8) 44. B: P Bertoni (15) 38. C: J O&aposNeill (20) 40. NORTH TURRAMURRA: Stroke: G Grant (22) 63 cb. NOWRA: Stableford: T Pottenger (16) 39. B: G Christian (18) 41. NSW: 2B: B McMurtry (21) G Seymour (9) 49. Indiv/Trophy: A Hurwitz (7) 42. Scr: A Hurwitz 35. Gold: B Cotsios (34) 34. OATLANDS: 2B Agg: J McGrath (10) B Stewart (17) 72. Indiv div 1: J Kim (11) 39. Div 2: P Dwyer (23) 39. PACIFIC DUNES: Stableford: R McDougall (23) 40. PENNANT HILLS: 2B: P Love (28) P Peatman (23) 49. Indiv div 1: A Gresham (5) 43. Div 2: H Koller (27) 45. Scr: A Gresham 38. PENRITH: Medley 2B: C Holden (Leonay 17) J McBride (10) 48. Scr: D Acret D Knight 41. Indiv A: D Baich (9) 39 cb. B: C Holmes (17) 41. C: B Charlton (20) 41 cb. PYMBLE: 4B: T Tybb (15) H Torode (23) 48 cb. Scr: P Chegwyn C Claremont 38. Indiv: D Borean (15) 43 cb. Hole-in-one: G Mangelsdorf at 15th. RAE: 2B: B Woolfe (26) S Holden (19) 46. Indiv: S Holden (19) 39. ROYAL SYDNEY: 4B: T Lloyd (17) G McCredie (11) 46 cb. RYDE PARRAMATTA: Stableford A: T Vandeleur (9) 39 cb. B: P Pannozzo (15) 39. C: D Groundwater (20) 40. D: D Pickering (26) 39 cb. Scr: W Barber 29. SHOALHAVEN HEADS: Stableford: G Hoare (9) 44. Scr: R Nancarrow (PGA) 38. STRATHFIELD: 2B: A Costanzo (18) T Bortolussi (36) 48. Scr: J Snelgrove P Keary 38. Indiv: B Burns (24) 41 cb. TERREY HILLS: 2B: C Ferguson (11) D Corbett (25) 48. Indiv: G Moles (15) 38 cb. THE AUSTRALIAN: 4B Agg: P Mitchell-Taverner (26) I Macaskill (13) 70. Scr: D Bringof S Jagot 69. THE LAKES: Stableford: C Karpin (19) 37. Scr: D Randall 36. PM 4B: J Hayward (19) R Camfield (29) 47 cb. Scr: P Faulkner J Doratis 32. Indiv: S Randazzo (11) 38. TOUKLEY: 2B: G Eliasson (15) C Dellit (18) 48. Scr: P Chatillon M Minns 34. Indiv A: M Mayne (11) 36. B: B Gregory (13) 42. C: J Fearnley (21) 40. TWIN CREEKS: 2B Multi: D Harrison (12) D Bollinger (Fox Hills 8) 86. Indiv: D Harrison (12) 39. Scr: G Wright 31 cb. WAKEHURST: 2B: M Robins (22) M Cooley (12) 49 cb. Scr: A Sutton M Bateman 40. Indiv: M Cooley (12) 41. Scr: A Sutton 34. B: S Lemm (18) 39 cb. Scr: R Hartmann 24. C: A Armour (32) 46. Scr: R Carroll 20. WARRINGAH: 2B: E Hodge (10) G Campbell (13) 12 up. Indiv A/Trophy: E Hodge (10) 6 up. B1: S Soiland (18) 2 up cb. B2: M Genna (24) 4 up. C: B Southerden (32) 4 up. WINDSOR: 4B: H Walker (31) C Tate (9) 48. Indiv A: L Clarke (Stonecutters Ridge 12) 41. B: G Steed (19) 42. C: N Koorey (31) 42. WOLLONGONG: Stableford A: K Hartnett (11) 39. B: J Fay (16) 42. Scr: C Barrett 36. WOOLGOOLGA: 2B agg: R Watson (27) P Johnson (14) 79. Indiv div 1: P Whitton (13) 41. Div 2: R Watson (27) 40. WOOLOOWARE: AMCR 69 4B Agg: k Henderson (11) D Lohman (13) 74. Indiv: R Lombo (21) 41 cb. Scr: C Jamieson 32 cb. WYONG: 2B: R Hayes (22) J Berges (29) 11 up. Indiv A: H Ireland (5) 2 up cb. B: P Ball (16) 5 up. C: R Hayes (22) 6 up. Scr: B Soutar 1 down. WOMEN ANTILL PARK: Medal Div 1: S Miller (17) 72. Div 2: L Cribb (25) 68. AVALON: Stableford: W Sinnott (37) 36. KO f: L Antill bt R Waring 5-4. BARNWELL PARK: Stableford: J Kuskie (32) 36. 2B KO f: M Harmer F Tumeth bt C Pienaar C O&aposSullivan at 20th. KO f: D Brown bt C Pienaar 4-2. CAMDEN: Stableford div 1: S Goodall (15) 29. Scr: S Goodall 17. Div 2: L Harris (30) 37. Scr: D Dewar 15. Div 3: P Hogbin (31) 34. Scr: P Hogbin 11. CARNARVON: Medal Div 1: H Jang (13) 68. Scr: J Shim 79. Div 2: H Oh (21) 70. Scr: H Oh 91. Div 3: M Issitt (38) D Wells (33) 72 to playoff. Scr: J Rickard 104. Team: H Jang (13) M Jung (19) K Kim (24) S Lee (18) 56. CASTLECOVE: Medal div 1: L Grant (32) 68. Div 2: H Sawkins (44) 67. CATALINA: Stableford div 1: B Smith (20) 35. Div 2: B Robinson (26) 37. Div 3: B Lansdowne (31) 37. CRONULLA: Team Multi: M Gilles (22) C McGree (24) R Wilson (33) L Moir (38) 113. ELANORA: Stroke Div 1: S Ferguson (15) 74. Scr: B Chalmers 80. Div 2: D Biancardi (27) 67. Scr: D Biancardi 94. Div 3: F Cavill (34) 72. Mar: L Boland (15) 78. FOX HILLS: Medal div 1: S Donovan (19) 78. Div 2: M Deevy (29) 73. Div 3: A Reidy (43) 78. GOULBURN: Stroke div 1: D Bodel (20) 69. Div 2: I Blewitt (29) 68. Div 3: P Charter (40) 69. Overall: P Morris (27) 68 cb. HORIZONS: Stableford: L Pitt (41) 38. LEONAY: Medal Div 1: L Cupples (16) 68. Div 2: C Hansen (34) 74. Veteran Brooch: L Cupples. Hole-in-one: L Cupples at 2nd. LIVERPOOL: Stroke Div 1: S Kim (14) 77. Scr: N Latimer 93. Div 2: S Yi (32) 77. Scr: S Kang 105. C: M Johnson (40) 83 S Kim (37) 83 to play off. MASSEY PARK: Stroke Div 1: S Taylor (22) 65. Div 2/Medal: J Steele (28) 61. NEW BRIGHTON: Stableford: B Kong (35) 45. NORTHBRIDGE: Stableford: R Brooker (30) 36. NSW: Stableford: S Young (33) 32. PACIFIC DUNES: Stableford: J Lewis (13) 33. RANDWICK: Stroke div 1: K Smith (19) 58. Div 2: R Flatters (25) 58. Div 3: J Flitcroft (35) 59. Div 4: L Anggrani (37) 61. SHELLY BEACH: Medal div 1: K Garrett (14) 74. Scr: N Garrett 75. Div 2: G Gleeson (27) 77 cb. Scr: J Mackey 77 cb. Div 3: N Hill (35) 76 cb. Scr: N Hill 111 cb. SPRINGWOOD: 4B: G Ostergaard (42) G Weston (31) P Parker (21) V Bradstreet (15) 88. TWIN CREEKS: Stableford: J McGovern (32) 27. WALLACIA: Par: A Burns (17) 1 up. GOLF NSW WOMEN&aposS AUTUMN MEETING: Foursome: Div 1 at Capital: K Roche J Thomson (Warringah 19) 72 B Campbell B Walton (Moss Vale 23-1/2) 73-1/2 K Morrison (Kogarah) G Virginie (Concord 19) 74. Scr: A Evans (Campbelltown) J O&aposBrien (Macquarie Links) 89. Div 2 at Fairbairn: D Markow L Myers (Camden 28-1/2) 69-1/2 J Ellam V Sinclair (Warringah 31) 71 B Cover (Castle Hill) J Wright (Killara) (29) 73. Scr: J Dind (Toukley) M Stovo (Wakehurst) 98.