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Author: Mitsie

NSW Veteran Golfers Association

News from all veteran golf groups across NSW is available on the NSW Veteran Golfers Association Website located in a variety of places depending on the relevance to specific groups or whether it is of general interest. Not all visitors will want access to group information, but it is there. New sections have also been added to include the Veteran Women Golfers information and news. Visit the NSW Veteran Golfers Association Website at www.nswvga.com.au
Sydney Veteran Golfers Association Inc. [SVGA] is an association of some 1000+ male Affiliated Club golfers, aged 55 years and above, who hold a Golf Australia handicap and enjoy the opportunity to play competitive golf, in the company of peers, at the best Courses in the Sydney Region. Above all, the Association is a socially enjoyable environment for veteran aged golfers and it is completely devoid of any forms of elitism. Membership of SVGA also carries with it membership of the NSW Veteran Golfers Association and access to over 50 weeks-of-golf across the State. The Association holds some 40 + events each year across Greater Metropolitan Sydney, and, it arranges for its members annual golfing trips to out of town locations such as the Murray River and the Hunter. Visit the Sydney Veteran Golfers Association website at www.sydneyvetsgolf.com.au