Date: June 22, 2015
Author: Mark Hayes @ US Open

Ogilvy finding his major range all over again

Geoff Ogilvy knows it’s coming. Now, finally, most of the golfing world can see it.

The Victorian charged home today with a superb three-under-par 67 to finish at three over and inside the top 20 at a major championship for the first time since 2012.

And he’s confident it’s a sustainable trend.

And barring a six-bogey stretch in six holes in the middle of the third round, he could even have contended at Chambers Bay.
“(Today’s score) has been coming,” the 2006 US Open champion said.

“I played well for 66 holes – I had six holes yesterday when I lost my way, snap hooked a few tee shots and hit it in the junk and it didn’t work out.

“But today it was nice to move in the right direction at a US Open on a Sunday.

“I hit the ball amazingly at August and made nothing. I hit the ball pretty well this week and made not a lot (of putts), but a few more.

“So I’m pretty excited coming up. My game’s getting back to where it used to be (and) I’m hitting it better than I ever did,” said the former world No.4.

Ogilvy made six birdies and three bogeys today, but it wasn’t until a three-putt on the tough 14th that he discounted his winning chances.

“It was just nice to make a few birdies and move the right direction and I'm going to finish today in a better position than when I started and that's the only thing you really want on a Sunday.

“Looking ahead, it gives me a lift for (the upcoming majors).

“The British is great, Whistling Straits (US PGA) I like, so it’s trending in the right direction and it’s nice to hit good shots in big tournaments – finally.”