Date: November 13, 2017
Author: Golf NSW

Open benefits from Van Leeuwen�s local pledge


This week’s NSW Open is the perfect opportunity for Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube to give back to a key event within it’s local community according to Greg Walker, the company’s Asia Pacific Manager.

“Our Australian head office is in nearby St Mary’s,” Mr Walker said. “We put a lot of sponsorship money back into local sport. We sponsor the sporting organisations of our employees kids, it helps us put our name out there.”

Mr walker said the NSW Open was the ideal event for his organisation to create some important openings within the golf industry.

“It’s all about getting a bit of exposure in a market and opening up some possibilities through the golf industry “ he explained.

An avid golfer himself, Mr Walker is personally thrilled the Open is at Twin Creeks and literally right on his doorstep.

“Luckily I’m a resident here. It’s my home track as well,” he smiled.

Sadly, however, business commitments will be keeping him away until Sunday, the final day of the tournament.

“I’ll by flying in on Saturday night from Holland, so I’ll be there on Sunday to cheer them on,”

“Hopefully I’ll get to follow POM (Peter O’Malley)if he’s in contention,”

“We do a bit with Peter throughout the year. Hopefully he flies the flag for us and we can cheer him on,” Mr Walker smiled.