Date: February 15, 2007

Our sporting future

Now in its third year, Australia&aposs leading sport forum, Our Sporting Future, will be held from 21 23 March 2007 in Brisbane. The forum will feature international and Australian speakers including: Bernard Salt – Partner of KPMG and one of Australia s leading demographers Dr Andy Miah – Reader in ethics, technology and culture at the University of Paisley, Scotland Janine Allis – Managing Director and founder of Boost Juice Bars Steve Wood – Chief Executive Officer, Tennis Australia The team captains for the great &apossporting&apos debate are also confirmed. Radio personalities Adam Spencer and Amanda Keller will argue the topic: Athletes don&apost win medals, scientists do! The forum will also incorporate topical panel discussions that address current issues in Australian sport today. Topics include; &aposParticipation and Volunteerism in the Future&apos, &aposThe Rise and Success of Football in Australia&apos and a &aposCEO address&apos featuring selected industry CEOs discussing how they plan to lead their organisations into the future. This forum will stimulate new ideas, challenge your thinking and provide you with practical information that you can apply to your organisation. To register for the forum visit –