Date: September 19, 2014

Participation Programs

Engaging your members and the local community in golf participation programs is a great way to retain the enthusiasm of existing members and to attract new members to your club.

Golf Australia has a number of programs designed to increase participation in golf that can be adopted at your club.   In addition to the national programs, a number of states and territories run their own participation programs and activities so check their web sites for details.

Vision 2025: The future of women and girls in golf


The vision sets out how golf in Australia can become a sport where women and girls are; inspired to participate, welcomed, nurtured and developed to achieve their goals.

1. Cluture and Leadership – more women on boards and in senior positions in clubs
2. Grassroots: Friendlier introductions to golf with more emphasis on fun and family
3. High performance and coaching: more female coaches
4. Marketing and positioning: Changing the way our sport is perceived


To find out more, download the documents below.


Play by the Rules
Play by the Rules
 can help you get up and running with some basic policies and guidelines your club should have.  An important first step is to have a Member Protection Policy.  The Member Protection policy outlines how your club meets its obligations to provide a safe environment and to maintain responsible behaviour and fair decision-making.  Some of the policies rely on the Member Protection Policy to enforce compliance.

The template policies are a minimum standard, for your club to use as a starting point