pleased to note that MyGolf participation registrations continue to exceed the national target through February, 2019.
Queensland have exceeded their national target already with five months still to run in this reporting period. New South Wales/ACT and South Australia are also well above their year to date target. There are 13,654 registered participants across Australia, with 343 active centres nationally.
The overall female participation percentage has increased slightly 24.56% and we will be continuing to focus on the activation of more MyGolf Girls programs at the beginning throughout 2019 to ensure we reach the 25% target that has been set, with targeted programs commencing in Term 1 across all states/territories to seek to close this gap.
A marketing planning session will be held in March with key GA and PGA staff to review our marketing campaigns to date and discuss marketing campaign strategies for next financial year. The GD team was worked closely with Louise Corrigan through Term 1 to deliver the MyGolf marketing campaign.
MyGolf Key Performance Measures
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Get into Golf
New Products Manager Jayden Zeinstra joined the national participation and products team in early January. Jayden has begun work on the finalisation of program curriculum, equipment, resources and the development of new community instructor modules.
Jayden is currently working with Ben Sweeney to finalise a working group from state/territory office and association participation staff and an expert in physical literacy to assist in aligning with Sport Australia’s Move It Aus – Participation Grant, prior to a program roll-out in July, 2019.
Sport Australia – Better Ageing Grant
On February 1, Golf Australia were informed of a successful grant application from Sport Australia of $500,000 to assist in the roll out of the Get Into Golf for Seniors program across Australia. At the time of writing, due to a two-month delay in grant announcements we are unsure of the roll-out timelines expected of us by Sport Australia, although our stated aim remains to have the program in market on July 1, 2019.
Move It Aus – Participation Grant
Golf Australia has be submitted an application to Sport Australia under the Move It Aus – Participation Grant funding program. The application will focus on the updating of the MyGolf program to incorporate Australian physical literacy standards, as well as the final development of the Adult Get Into Golf program – with a focus on women and girls, All Abilities participants and multicultural Australians.
Community Instructor program
The Golf Development team is glad to welcome Johanna Tilden into the role of Education and Training Coordinator. Johanna is quickly finalising the review of the Community Instructor program, including module content, structure and program marketing, as well as reviewing our online training platform options in the event that a better solution is available than the PGA’s current offering.