Nine-hole golf is fast, fun and fits into busy lives – whether its early in the morning, after work, on the weekends or even while on holidays. Nine-hole golf has an important role to play in increasing participation in our great game. Even better is that scores returned in nine-hole competitions can be used for handicapping purposes so it’s a great way to keep your skills sharp and your handicap up-to-date.
Golf Australia are once again staging a celebration of nine-hole golf during the 2018 Australian Open. Four players from NSW/ACT will have the chance to join representatives from other states & territories to play in a nine-hole event on the Saturday evening of the Open.
How to Qualify
Clubs across NSW/ACT are encouraged to run at least one qualifying event between 1st June 2018 and 21st October 2018. Clubs are requested to nominate to be involved and provide the date(s) of their qualifying event(s). At the end of October all clubs that took part will be placed into a draw with one regional club and one metropolitan club drawn at random. Once the two clubs have been drawn, two players from each club would then be drawn at random based on round results that were entered into Golf Link. This way everyone will have a chance to be drawn out to take part, not just those who played well on a particular day.
To nominate your club
Complete the club registration form by clicking HERE
Schedule one or more nine-hole individual stableford events between 1 June 2018 and 21 October 2018.
Run the nine-hole event as you would any other club competition awarding prizes as you see fit
If for any reason you are unable to run an event on the day scheduled simply let Golf NSW know if it was rescheduled to another day in October or whether it had to be cancelled
Once your event has concluded you will need to complete a player detail return which will include the name, address, email, contact phone and Golf Link number of each player who participated.
For further information contact Andrew Robb at