Date: April 04, 2018
Author: Golf NSW

Profile: Grace Kim

Name: Grace Kim
Date of Birth: 13 December 2000
Home Club: Avondale GC
Coach: Khan Pullen
Member: 2018 NSW Girl&aposs Team

Careeer low round:67 (-7) at Royal Hobart and Commonwealth GC.

Club memberships: Avondale GC

Favourite sporting team: Don&apost have one

Favourite player(s): Minjee Lee, Karrie Webb & Lydia Ko

Favourite food: Can&apost choose, anything really.

Most memorable golfing moment: When I got the chance to play with Karrie Webb at the Aussie Open this year.

Your most inspiring sportsperson or individual and why: Minjee because she is phenomenally consistent, Lydia because she takes in everything positively and Karrie for her strong mentality on and off the golf course.

What do you like to do when you are not playing golf: Text/hang with friends, listen to music, go to the gym.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date and why: My parents has put in so much effort for me to achieve this far so I really want to do good myself to make them super proud.

Past Results:

Australian Representative – Asia-Pacific Women&aposs Amateur
Runner-Up Australian Girl&aposs Amateur
Runner-Up Avondale Amateur
Gold Medallist – 2018 Youth Olympics
Federal Women&aposs Open Amateur Champion

Australian Girls Champion
South Australia Women&aposs Amateur
Tasmanian Women&aposs Amateur Champion
Runner -Up Victorian Women&aposs Amateur

Social Media:

Facebook: Grace Kim
Instagram: gracekimmey
Twitter: @gracekimeyy
Snapchat: grace_kimmey