Date: January 02, 2018

Profile: Todd Sinnott

Name: Todd Sinnott

Twitter: @SinnottTodd

DOB: 19/02/1992

Most memorable golfing moment: Winning the 2014 Interstate series.

Coaches name: Marty Joyce

Lowest round and where: 63 (-9) at Nothern golf club

Favourite sporting team: Western Bulldogs

Favourite tournament: Australian Open

Golf Club Membership: Metropolitan Golf Club 

Favourite Food: Japanese 

What has been the most notable difference between competing as an amateur to a professional?

Far more tournaments as a professional 

Who has been your biggest influence in your development as a golfer and a person?

Tiger Woods 

What is one aspect about competing as a professional golfer you did not know about prior to turning professional?

How expensive it is

With Golf now being an Olympic Sport when do you see yourself representing Australia at the Olympics?

Tokyo 2020!