Date: June 11, 2015
Author: Golf Victoria

Q&A with Stacey Keating

What tour are you playing on?
I am currently playing on Ladies European Tour with winners category, and I have LPGA conditional status.

You shot a course record and career best 9-under at the Buick Championships in China a month ago; do you feel like you’re playing your best golf?
Well I'd like to think so, I've been working hard on my game with Darren Cole, and really feel like things are taking shape, but like anything it takes time… But it's sure a good sign that I'm on the right track

What has been your proudest golfing achievement so far?
A couple of different ones… My first win was very special as the week prior was my worst week ever on the golf course when I got DQ'ed in the British Open, but winning the Vic Open in front of family and friends was probably the most exciting win, and best feeling ever.

Favourite thing about being on tour?
Travelling the world with my boyfriend playing golf and calling it ‘work’!!

Least favourite thing about being on tour?
Being away from home for such a long period of time, I wish I didn’t love Australia so much, and my little niece, I miss her a lot!

Which tournament do you aspire to win? Would love to win the Australian Open for obvious reasons!!

Favourite Australian golf course? NSW Golf Club

Favourite international golf course? Medinah Country Club, Chicago

Who is your biggest golfing inspiration and why?
Karrie Webb and Annika Sörenstam – I admire them both for different reasons. Karrie being Aussie obviously. Everything she has achieved and still wants to achieve has me shaking my head! Her professionalism is on another level. And Annika – just for her amazing golf and 10 majors.

What did you think about the Vics winning all 4 interstate series’ this year?
I was as proud as punch!!! If I would say unbelievable that would be incorrect – as I don’t think anyone really thought it was possible… well maybe the players, I hope!! It's so impressive, and a great sign for our state to know that we have some great programs in place and we are heading in the right direction!!