Date: July 15, 2011

Queensland clubs allocated disaster relief funding

Golf Queensland and Golf Australia today announced the allocation of over $472,000 to Queensland golf clubs and PGA members. The Golf Industry Recovery Fund was initiated by Golf Australia immediately following the Queensland floods in January and raised nearly $500,000. Golf Queensland Chair Tom Crothers said 18 golf clubs and one PGA member had submitted applications for assistance. Golf Queensland and Golf Australia are pleased to be able to provide the funding back to the industry after such a tough six months, Mr Crothers said. The funding will allow many Queensland clubs to get the additional help they need following the devastating floods and cyclone. Golf Australia Chairman John Hopkins said the assistance provided by the industry was very generous. We&aposre grateful for the support from Australian golfers, clubs and the international bodies for the affected clubs and communities, Mr Hopkins said. “That generosity has ensured we can assist Queensland golf clubs in their recovery and we fully support it.” Mr Crothers said Golf Queensland had facilitated the process and called for applications from Queensland clubs and PGA members outlining the project costs associated with the recovery. A panel assessed the applications and also conducted several on-course visits before allocating the funding. We have distributed most of the money raised but some of it is pending the outcome of clubs applying for Queensland Government funding, Mr Crothers said. Some clubs have had money allocated to their projects pending the success of their QRAA applications and the payment of capitation fees. If clubs receive their full QRAA grant funds and no longer need the Golf Industry Funding, we will be in a position to re-open the process for a second round. Mr Crothers said Golf Queensland had also provided emergency financial support of over $46,000 to nine golf clubs and the Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association. Golf Queensland realised, in many cases, clubs had to close their doors for weeks, even months because of the wet season, Mr Crothers said. It was important to get the doors of Clubs open for business and we offered financial support immediately to assist those clubs to get back up and running as soon as possible. Mr Crothers said Golf Queensland had also provided support for several clubs through Golf Queensland s Grants Writing Assistance Program.