Date: March 03, 2010

Renewed Hull ready to fight

For Katherine Hull, 2009 was a year where a few “distractions” meant she didn&apost make her way into the World&aposs Top 10 players, a goal she set herself earlier in the year. But the Queenslander, who will return to Melbourne next week for the Handa Women&aposs Australian Open, is confident that the she is free to concentrate on her goals. “Last year my goal was to finish top 10 on the LPGA money list and got a bit distracted and that didn t happen. This year again top 10 will be the goal and as a result I think my world ranking will improve as well,” Hull said. The most major of the distractions was the sacking of her caddy, American John Powell, at the start of the Kraft Nabisco Championship but Hull appreciates what Powell did for her game. “He d been great for me for over a year and that was the last thing I wanted to do, was to hurt a friend and to put him through grief. So, it was hard in a sense because we did have so much success together, but at the same time, it was time,” Hull said. The World Number 35 now has Irishman Vern Tess on her bag. “He’s from Ireland so I have a few issues with the accent, he’s funny and I think he knows my personality more so than any of my previous caddies and knows how to react to me and handle me so I ve loved every day working with him.” Hull recently underwent 3D Swing analysis and is still working on finalising the things that research uncovered. “Back in January, they hooked me up to all sorts of gizmos and found out that my sequence was off,” Hull said. “I actually lead with my upper body as opposed to my lower body on the down swing and as I lose a lot of power and I&aposm trying to re-sequence that and get my hips to kind of lead the down swing.” “Hopefully it ll end up giving me some more distance which will be nice, but probably going to take a about 6 months.” Hull said that as long as her short game and putting stay as reliable as it has been, she is confident she will achieve her goals. “I think the key is going to be consistency and getting myself into contention more as opposed to just sporadically having good tournaments. That ll be nice because that s what we work hard for.”