Date: December 24, 2014
Author: Mark Hayes /

Scott decides on 2015 caddie

Mike Kerr has won one of golf’s most plumb jobs – on the bag of Australian world No.3 Adam Scott.

Scott today announced Kerr – who has previously worked for Ernie Els, Lee Westwood and Miguel Angel Jimenez – would be his new caddie for 2015 after Steve Williams’ retirement from the role.

Kerr, who also guided rising Danish star Thorbjorn Olesen to victory in October’s Perth International, was one of three bagmen Scott trialled during his spring stint in Asia and three-tournament Australian swing.

“I'm delighted that Mike has accepted my offer and I am confident that he will be a valuable member of my team for 2015 and beyond," Scott said.

Kerr, a long-time acquaintance of the Queenslander, took over Scott’s bag for the Emirates Australian Open in Sydney and oversaw the 34-year-old’s agonising playoff loss to Greg Chalmers in the Australian PGA Championship on the Gold Coast.

He will be full time when Scott returns to tournament action in late January.

Kerr, originally of Zimbabwe, grew up in South Africa and played at amateur level alongside players such as Tim Clark and Rory Sabattini.

Scott and New Zealander Williams worked together for more than three years, including the Aussie’s 2013 Masters triumph, before parting ways in September.

Williams had wanted to maintain the job, but could only commit to part-time duties next year – an arrangement untenable to Scott.