Date: November 09, 2011
Author: Steve Orme, Sportal

Scott refutes claims

Adam Scott has rejected suggestions caddy Steve Williams&apos racist remarks cost him victory in last week&aposs HSBC Champions event, insisting the New Zealander has been good for his game. Scott entered the final round of the prestigious World Golf Championships event in Shanghai in third place but produced a disappointing 73 to finish in a share of 11th. His tough day at the office followed Williams&apos controversial comments about former boss Tiger Woods. Speaking at the annual caddy awards on Friday night, Williams caused international uproar when he said &aposit was my aim to shove it right up that black a***hole&apos when asked about his boisterous celebration of Scott&aposs Bridgestone Invitational win in July. Scott released a statement on Monday condemning Williams&apos comments but refused to sack the experienced caddy, insisting he &aposmeant no racial slur&apos. “I don&apost think that affected my golf swing, I would say it was just a coincidence,” Scott said on the eve of the Australian Open at the Lakes on Wednesday. “He&aposs a part of my team and it was all unfortunate and I felt that if I spoke up I could say my piece and I wouldn&apost need to deal with it anymore.” “I think it&aposs a very unfortunate circumstance, we don&apost need that in the game, and I wanted to put an end to it and I feel like I have.” “Everyone has their own opinions about the subject so I&aposve stood by mine and said all I have to say about it really.” Scott admits he was pleased Williams and Woods were able to shake hands after clearing the air on Tuesday morning. “I think that&aposs probably a good thing that they did,” he said. Scott parted company with his long-time caddy Tony Navarro in May and used Williams &aposon loan&apos from Woods in two events while the former No.1 was sidelined through injury. But when Woods sacked Williams in July, Scott hired the 47-year-old on a full-time basis. Despite the recent controversy, the Queenslander insists it&aposs been a &apossmooth transition&apos. “The fortunate thing for me was I was able to pick up another extremely experienced top-quality caddy, which isn&apost always easy,” Scott said. “Timing worked out in my favour on this one for sure. It&aposs not easy to let a great caddy go because I wasn&apost sure what was around the corner for me.” “Tony and I were extremely successful, we all know he&aposs one of the best caddies in the world, but like any good thing they sometimes come to an end and we kind of lost our energy and it wasn&apost that easy out there for us anymore.” “But luckily for me the opportunity came up with Steve … and it&aposs certainly been enjoyable having a fairly smooth transition to another caddy because even though you might pick up a great caddy your personalities really need to work well out there and I think Steve and I are doing a good job of that.” Scott will begin his Australian Open assault at 12pm on Thursday alongside compatriot John Senden and American Matt Kuchar.