Date: November 14, 2006
Author: Luke Buttigieg

Scott to share load

By Luke Buttigieg, Sportal Greg Norman may have backed him to assume the mantle as Australia&aposs golf ambassador, but Adam Scott says he believes the growing presence of world-class golfers from Down Under means he doesn&apost need to shoulder the load on his own. Norman has been the public face of Australian golf for the best part of three decades, having won countless tournaments all around the world, among them a couple of British Opens and five Australian Opens. And the &aposGreat White Shark&apos, who has supported the Australasian PGA Tour throughout his illustrious career, is winding down his own playing days though and looking for Scott to grab the baton. “Absolutely. Because of Adam&aposs international skills, he&aposs travelled the world, he understands what worldly culture is all about, he&aposs won in different parts of the world,” Norman said when asked if Scott would fill the role well. “I&aposve seen him perform extremely well in front of dignitaries, he&aposs got a great attitude and demeanour about him so yes. It&aposs totally up to him, I can&apost say whether he can or he cannot do it.” Scott feels as though he is one of many fine Australian golfers now plying their trade overseas though, counting US Open champion Geoff Ogilvy and his fellow Victorians Robert Allenby and Stuart Appleby as other fine ambassadors of the game. “I don&apost think all the weight of that is necessarily going to be lumped on my shoulders,” Scott said. “I think the strength of the game now, and the players we have now, is a little different than when Greg kind of took on that role.” “We have so many great players, and Geoff (Ogilvy) obviously having a great year this year and being a major champion.” “I think it&aposs a responsibility of all of the top players to do that a little bit and I think that&aposs going to be a little more fair on everyone than maybe how it was for Greg to carry golf in Australia by himself for so long. Scott also believes that the responsibilities Norman dealt with during the prime of his career were partially of his own doing as well. “I think he (Norman) does very well with that, I think it&aposs in his nature that he says that but it&aposs probably not so much in my nature to go that hard at everything but I certainly accept some responsibility with the position I&aposm in and I think the other guys need to as well,” Scott added. “I think if we all get together and do our part I think we certainly can make a big difference on the game back here.”