Date: September 01, 2015
Author: C.Puccini, Golf SA

Seven SA clubs receive ORS grants

GRANTS > Active Club Program – 7 Successful Projects Announced

The latest allocation of funds (Round 39) under the Office for Recreation and Sport – Active Club Program has been announced.

About the program

The Active Club Program provides funding support to assist active recreation and sport clubs to further develop the programs and services they provide within the community.

The budget for the 2015/16 ACP is $2,350,000.

A notional allocation of $50,000 is available for each of the 47 electorates per year, divided over two funding rounds.

For 2015/16 they are Rounds 39 and 40. $40,000 was notionally available per electorate in Round 39, with $30,000 of the notional amount available for facility applications and the remaining $10,000 available for program and equipment funding.

Golf SA congratulates the following 7 Golf clubs who have been granted funding for various projects:

Berri Golf Club – $15,000
To assist with an irrigation upgrade

Keith Golf Club – $18,622
To assist with the Water Efficiency Project

Mawson Lakes Golf Club – $8,781
To assist with an irrigation upgrade

North Lakes Golf Club – $5,000
To assist with program and/or Equipment Funding

Penfield Golf Club – $2,561
To assist with a facility upgrade

The Port Broughton Golf Club – $10,000
To assist with a facility upgrade

Wallaroo Golf Club – $15,000
To assist with a facility upgrade

Round 40 – $10,000 per electorate is available in (Round 40) for program and equipment funding only. For further details CLICK HERE