Date: June 01, 2017
Author: Dave Tease

Slow play? Don’t be THAT player


The Links Shell Cove have taken a fresh approach to the vexed problem of slow play in competitions and open days by producing a social media campaign titled ‘Don’t be THAT player.”

Peter Nascimento, Golf Operations Manager at the Links Shell Cove, told golf NSW that the concept of the campaign came out of a recent survey of members.

“Slow play was flagged as a major concern by our members,” Mr Nascimento said.” The ‘Don’t be THAT Player’ campaign is designed to create awareness and discussion surrounding this issue.”

“All the policing of slow play that we do ultimately won’t solve the problem unless players take responsibility for their own actions on the golf course.”

“It’s about educating them to understand how they behave directly relates to the pace of play and overall experience for everyone.”

The video, produced by the club staff with the help of 16 year-old local videographer Logan Sheldrick, is the first part of the campaign and was designed to be a different look at the problem to make golfers think about slow play and their responsibility towards the vexed problem.

“It is a different approach, but we want golfers to be aware how their actions and attitude do contribute to slow play and more importantly that it’s their responsibility to address the issue.”

Nascimento said more initiatives to address the problem will be rolled out in the coming weeks. He added that the club is happy to see it used by others.

“It’s not a silver bullet to solve the problem, but it's about starting to create awareness amongst players.

“This is something that we put together to help our situation here at The Links, but if it can be viewed and shared to help other clubs and the golf community in general, then that’s awesome.” Nascimento said.