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Golf Australia is proud to be committed to Sports CONNECT, an initiative to help ensure the game is inclusive of people with a disability. CONNECT stands for Creating Opportunities Nationally through Networks in Education, Classification and Training and the scheme is governed by the Australian Sports Commission in partnership with various national sporting organisations. Golf Australia is dedicated to making the game, in its many forms, accessible to everyone across the country. This can be achieved by creating an environment for participation which is inclusive of anyone wishing to experience golf, including people with a disability. Golf Australia plans to work closely with State Golf Associations throughout the country to implement the initiative. In 2005, a national audit of activities that are offered for people with a disability was completed. As a result, Golf Australia has developed a Disability Action Plan which will be implemented over the next four years. The plan includes activities such as coach and administrator training, policy development, research, and resource production with the aim of creating an inclusive environment for all people to participate in. The steering committee for the program includes representatives from the PGA of Australia and golf&aposs Sports CONNECT case manager. Benefits Sports CONNECT can bring to golf include: Increased participation levels and a broader participation base Increased number of coaches who are able to teach athletes with a disability Improved delivery of coaching through greater awareness of inclusive coaching techniques Improved culture of the sport and community focus Enhanced links with disabled sporting organizations. Click here to view the Disability Action Plan for Golf in Australia