Date: September 13, 2018
Author: Shaun Hickman

Swing Fit beginner to winner in a hurry

Recent Swing Fit graduate Kathy Ferguson has quickly gone from beginner to winner after taking out the Golf NSW Working Women’s tournament in the Hunter Valley.

After only having her first taste of golf via the Swing Fit program at Bardwell Valley Golf Club in December last year, Ferguson claimed her first trophy by winning the stableford event among a field of 100 women from across NSW.

After taking part in the Swing Fit program, Ferguson got the golf bug instantly.

She signed as a member at her club and has since played weekly.

Sydney-based Community Instructor Andrea McGann, who delivered the Swing Fit program at Bardwell Valley, drove Ferguson and 10 of her fellow graduates to the event.

“I was so excited to see her win her first trophy in her first event,” McGann said.

“Kathy is a very enthusiastic golfer, but more importantly, a truly lovely person.

“To see where she has come from to now win a tournament with such a big field, it has made me very proud.

“It’s great to be able to see these women progress from being introduced to the game through the Swing Fit program to being out on course competing in these events.”

Visit for more information on how you can get started with the Swing Fit program.