Date: September 15, 2015

Swing Fit Centre Resources

Marketing & Promotion

Read tips on how to promote you program:
Learn about Claremont Golf Club's Swing Fit success
Case study – how local Swing Fit deliverer, Andrea McGann promotes Swing Fit
Promoting at a local level – what other Swing Fit centres have done sucessfully

How to promote Swing Fit on Facebook guide
When is the best time to run Swing Fit? 

Access resources to help you promote:
Editable poster 1 (no image) *Save to your PC before editing
Editable poster 2 (with image) *Save to your PC before editing
A4 generic poster
MREC (use on website, club newsletter, social media, ad in local paper etc.)
Leaderboard (use on website, club newsletter, social media, ad in local paper etc.)
Key messages (Refer to this when dealing with local media)
Media release 1
edia release 2
Media release 3
Media release 4 (New year's resolution theme)
Audio to advertise on your local radio (link to audio)

Enhancing your program

Read tips on how to create the right environment for female customers:
Female friendly checklist

Delivery resources

Watch videos of a Swing Fit session in action here

Download the Swing Fit Deliverer Manual here 
Capture participants data (who don't register online) here