Date: June 20, 2016

Tasmanian Men’s Pennant Finals Postponed


Following 40mm of rain on the Thursday prior to the men's state pennant finals the decision was made to postpone indefinitely and obviously there were then expressions of support for, and criticisms of the decision. The Tournament, Rules and Ratings Committee felt that as heavy frosts were predicted following the rain and as there was little likelihood of greens being mown, coupled with the distance relief would have needed to be taken from landing areas on fairways due to water, and bunkers full of water, meant that postponement was the better option.  I would like to make the following points.

It has been a failing of Golf Austraila and Golf Tasmania in the past not to better support club viability, it is everyone’s number 1 priority now!  Consequently in the North West the regional associations and clubs strongly support their Captains and Presidents days as they assist the clubs with their viability and as opposed to other regions players do travel and support other clubs on these days.  Consequently it is difficult to argue with them when they say pennant needs to fit in with those important fund raising days, no club viability no pennant regardless.  I also need to mention that Golf Tasmania has been able to bring the finals forward one month in the last two years. 

With the postponement of the women’s state finals, men’s North v North West final and the men’s state final, consideration needs to be given to the scheduling of state finals in the middle of winter. Options under consideration include:

Food for thought.