Date: March 17, 2014
Author: Jack Newton Junior Golf

Teachers Learn Golf at Queanbeyan

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Teachers Learn the Intricacies of the Golf Swing at Queanbeyan


In March, Queanbeyan Golf Club hosted a golf teacher-training day. JNJG provided the equipment and staff, and they used the practice facilities and club-house for their activities.

There was a group of twelve very enthusiastic teachers, some of whom had not played golf at all before. Having golf experience is not a requirement to participate in the course, and in fact after the course non-golfers are able to hit the ball quite well.

The schools represented were Trinity Christian School, Covenant Christian School, Canberra Girls Grammar School, Monash Primary School, Holy Spirit Primary School, Stromlo High School, St. Clare’s College, Queanbeyan East Public School and Jerrabomberra Public School.

All these schools either have existing golf programs in their schools or intend to run programs in 2014. Golf is an ideal sport to promote in school as it is something different, can be played as an individual or team pursuit, and you don’t necessarily have to be physically gifted to achieve results.

After the formalities of learning how to hit the ball was successfully completed, they engaged in building their own golf course on the practice range and played the holes. This proved to be a popular and competitive activity before lunch.

Golf provides many varied games and activities for children and teachers at school and compliments any school sports program. Schools have ordered their golf kits and it won’t be too long before they are doing their own golf programs in class.

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JNJG acknowledges the enthusiasm and commitment of the teachers and the generosity of Queanbeyan Golf Club in allowing the use of their facilities.

For more information about how to host a teacher training day visit: