Date: February 06, 2015
Author: Golf Society

The Long Game – No 51 December 2014

Thirty one members signed up to compete for the Doug Bachli trophy at
Victoria, the day after the finish of the Australian Masters at Metropolitan,
but inclement weather reduced the field to 25 hardy souls who ventured out in
strong winds, heavy rain and the ever present danger of thunder and lightning.
There should have been a prize for everyone who completed 18 holes, but for
Graham Ryan, this years’ winner, his 41 points appeared to indicate that he was
just having a stroll in the park, and this despite three putting the 17th (cue cries of
‘handbrake’ from a couple of unruly members!). Mark Brasher in his first attempt on
the Doug Bachli trophy returned a strong 37 off his low handicap, to be runner up.
Lady’s’ champion is Heather Scales with 32 points on a count back from Grace Rew.

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