Toronto Country Club&aposs Patroness Melva Henry celebrated her 100th birthday on 1st June. Melva Henry was on the steering committee (1957) at the Kilaben Bay Golf Course (now TCC). She became President when Kilaben Bay Golf Club Ladies became affiliated with the District (C.N.D.G.A.) and Ladies Golf Union (L.G.U.). She served as Captain for many years as well as Secretary and Publicity Officer. Melva donated a Silver Salver in 1973 to be played for in the club&aposs 4BBB Knockout event. She also began donating trophies for the Melva Henry Trophy and Sportsgirl Award in 1998. She played golf left handed and was a beautiful iron player. Melva competed mostly in the 2nd Division and won the Championship in 1969 and then in she 1970 won the 3rd Division. As the Toronto Country Club’s Patroness, Melva continues to remain interested in what is going on with the ladies. She stays in touch via phone calls, letters and cards. She is truly a gracious and remarkable lady and an inspiration to all. On 12 June, Melva will join the golf ladies at Toronto Country Club to celebrate her centenary. The club is also planning to take her on a tour of the golf course. Happy 100th Birthday, Melva!
Author: Louise Ciscato