Date: November 07, 2014

Urban golf

Urban golf began as an evolution of beach golf in the small coastal town of Sawtell in NSW Australia. In order to get to the beach participants would have to pass through a caravan park filled with grass and things to pop over.

At the same time all around the world people were taking golf clubs to the streets and discovering the joys of Urban Golfing. From Paris to the streets of New York and Germany, more and more people are playing Urban Golf, Cross Golf and Street Golf.

Urban Golf Australia is a not for profit organisation which exists to promote the fine and glorious sport of Urban Golfing. Be you in the street, your lounge room or in the heart of the city Urban Golf is a fun and safe sport which can be played by anybody.

Through the popularity of urban golf, a World Urban Golf Day is held annually in October that promotes urban golf in what is now over 30 different countries worldwide including Australia.

For more information on Urban Golf, visit Urban Golf Australia.