Date: January 09, 2019
Author: Golf Australia

Vale – Bob Bright

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The Victorian President, Board and Staff of Golf Australia express their deepest sympathy at the passing of much respected Flinders Golf Club and Golf Peninsula Victoria Life Member, Bob Bright, aged 87 years.

Originally joining Flinders in 1953 and being a member for four years, after a period away from the club, Bob rejoined in 1992. He was elected to the Club Committee in 1994, became Vice Captain in 1995 and then served as Club Captain from 1998 to 2002.

Bob was a regular Flinders Pennant player and official and served on a number of sub-Committees given his knowledge of and passion for the game, especially administration and the Rules of Golf. He was also instrumental in forming a volunteer group at the club to assist with a range of course and clubhouse works and coordinated these activities for over 12 years. He was duly recognised with Life Membership of the club in 2011.

A delegate to the Peninsula District Golf Association (now Golf Peninsula Victoria) for many years, Bob was elected President in 2007 and held the role until his retirement in 2010. Given his contribution to golf on the Mornington Peninsula, he was recognised with Life Membership of the District in 2010.

Golf Australia’s sincere condolences are extended to the Bright family at this time. Bob was a genuine, friendly and dedicated man with a passion for golf and will be sadly missed.