Date: February 17, 2011

Van Wegen named NSW Administrator of the Year

In a star-studded field of athletes and administrators from across New South Wales and Australian sport, Jack Newton Junior Golf CEO Peter van Wegan was named the Administrator of the Year while Jack Newton Junior Golf was a finalist tin the Association of the Year. In his acceptance speech Peter acknowledged the outstanding work of Jack Newton over the past 25 years in fundraising for junior golf in Australia and diabetes. Golf Australia Director of Golf Development Frances Crampton, who attended the Awards, paid tribute to the Newton Foundation and Peter van Wegen for their wonderful contribution to junior golf, particularly in piloting a great schools program which has become the basis of of the new MYGolf Schools 1&2 program and syllabus. In awarding Van Wegen, the NSW Sports Federation said: Under Peter s leadership the Jack Newton Junior Golf Foundation achieved significant success in 2010. Highlights included a complete overhaul and development of the junior pathway in NSW. A new Golf for Schools model was developed with over 250 teachers trained to deliver golf to 25,000 school children. Membership numbers increased by over 100%, and an industry leading website and a tournament Management System were implemented. Peter also directed and assisted Golf Australia with the development of the National Junior Program My Golf Program.