/> The Veteran Women Golfer's Association of NSW Inc. is a voluntary organisation formed in 1950. The VWGA became incorporated in November 1995. Women golfers 50 years and over can join by paying the joining fee of $12.00 for Metropolitan Veterans and $7.00 for Country Veterans. In addition there is an annual subscription of $3.00 per year which is payable by 31st December each year.
Contact details:
Suite 405, 32 York Street SYDNEY 2000
PO Box Q1648, QVB Post Office, Sydney NSW 1230
Ph: 02 9299 2250
Fax: 02 9299 4415
Email: secretary@vwgansw.org.au
2016 Committee
Life Member: Pat Ellis & Beverley Everett
President: Lyn Walker
Vice Presidents: Virginnia Hewitt & Jacky Parsons
Secretary: Jenni Brown
Treasurer: Nancye Cullen
Committee: Lilian Ong, Geraldine Steele, Lesley Paradine, Vanna Mutton
Membership Registrar: Virginnia Hewitt
General News, Events and Information:
Contact the Office on (02) 9299-2250 for further information or email: secretary@vwgansw.org.au
PROGRAMME 2017 – Click link below to download