Date: May 22, 2018
Author: Golf Australia

Vision 2025 strategy finalised


Click to download the full Vision 2025 Strategy (pdf)

The full details of Golf Australia’s Vision 2025 strategy are now publicly available.

Launched in part during the ISPS Handa Women’s Australian Open, “Vision 2025: the future of women and girls in golf” now fully sets out a roadmap to generate greater female participation, involvement and inclusion in golf at all levels around the country.

Golf Australia chief executive Stephen Pitt said Vision 2025 would address current fundamental imbalances in the sport and help attract more women and girls to golf.

“It’s the single most important issue inhibiting growth in Australian golf. For too long, we’ve collectively watched as some of our programs, clubs and facilities have become places at which female golfers, and even more importantly, prospective female golfers, don’t feel welcome and encouraged,” Pitt said.

“Vision 2025 is, critically, an industry-wide approach and we are investing all available resources into making it a success.”

Part of that investment includes two new staff members at Golf Australia – Stacey Peters as female national pathway manager and Chyloe Kurdas as national female participation manager, both roles partially funded by the R&A as they also seek to increase the role of women and girls in golf around the world.

Kurdas was excited to have the foundation work of the Vision’s steering committee made public.

“It is terrific to have cross-sectoral and international support for the Vision 2025 strategy. The key to its success is having all of the different bodies engaged and excited by what it could bring to the game,” Kurdas said.

“This is a strategy that requires everyone at all levels of golf to embrace a fundamental change for the long-term benefit of women and girls, and also the game more broadly.

“We are happy to have as much as we can in the public domain to make sure that everyone knows our direction and that all at Golf Australia are accountable and know the roadmap.

“We are really excited to explore how we can provide girls and women with opportunities to access our game in a way that suits their needs – physically, socially, culturally, financially, and developmentally. Ultimately Vision 2025 will bring innovation across the whole industry – ensuring that everyone benefits from making the game truly accessible for women and girls.”